Dumpster Fire:

The other guy who got it was a hunter who used 300% exp potions (he had 64 of them).

I leveled without them and tanked all the way from 58-120 with no experience boosters. So, either way, would’ve still kept 2nd.

So, back on topic, shall we?

it’s sad to see veterans leave the game :frowning:


Waves gnome cane.


So you are holding out hope that somehow the game goes in a radically different direction?

Other than wishful thinking what makes you think that?

Classic is their answer to all those who hate rng.

It takes some people longer than others to get past denial in their grieving process.

Good luck to you!!


Never heard of it. :woman_shrugging:

Ohh, I see. There is something I don’t understand: why did you pre-order Shadowlands then? Wouldn’t it have been better if you waited for the reviews first and then purchasing the expac?

Sure just because someone has issues with the worst wow expansion so far it means they don’t like MMOs. :roll_eyes:


Well, frankly, the only thing Activision speaks is money.

My $15.00 may not mean much, but at least it’s not going to them anymore. So, I’ma just let that talk.

Probably would not have. It was made on a budget (well under 20 million). And a lot of the reviews of early access hurt the game, even if they worked hard and fixed things. For what it is? You know love was put into the game and the owner took a lot of care in making it.

Read the above posts.


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They think it gives their inevitable outrage credibility if they preorder.

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Yep, which is entirely why I laughed at myself for doing so later in the thread.

I had no idea so many daredevils played WoW. If I could jump this many sharks, I’d be world famous.

Lol, why the heck would you pre-order and pay for it if you’re not even sure you’re going to play it?
They aren’t going to run out of copies on release.

As for 10, I can promise you that dude knows exactly what he did to get that ban, they don’t just hand out 6m bans for innocuous things.

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I give my reasons for this later in the thread.

You can justify anything in the world you want (me), but that still doesn’t mean it was a wise purchase. :V

And why did I post that I did? Because here’s a hint. You can’t have an allied race Death Knight without it - and, if I hadn’t posted it, someone would’ve called me out regardless.

So, instead of, “Lol, you preordered,” and the strawmans of, “After you preordered,” I just cleared it out the way, but, clearly, people don’t seem to know this here.

Point: <

You: <

Reread that. That wasn’t the point. The point is Customer Support was ACTIVELY encouraging ban evasion by making a new account and new purchase of the game!

I learned from my mistake…Bought BfA when the news dropped. Also bought Legion, because it wasn’t prebundled just yet. Also bought base game, because the only bundle that existed was Classic-WoD. So…after enduring BfA’s hype and failure to live up to it, I went and decided, “Hey. My own fault. Not going to do the same thing twice.” And here we are, in a world where Shadowlands is all the hype. I have too many questions to be answered before I can feel at ease buying the game, but I know for certain I’ll probably be buying it.


Most MMOs are just WoW clones, anyways.

Also 2nd worse* WoW expansion. WoD is still the worst one to date.


I can assure you Shroud is not such a thing.

Doesn’t even have proper levels, just an experience pool for training what you want to become.

Another LFR guy complaining.

If you dont like it, then dont play it. Find some other games…

FYI, WoW has tons of character customizations. You have to acquire them, work for getting them. You are just an LFR guy with limited items acquired… making your options limited… making your toon gameplay boring. It’s not my fault that your toon is weak and boring. You are looking for free stuffs. NOPE, sorry to let you down.

Look at me, I am just casual. I just play the game as is. I am level 75 HoA with 3rd minor Essence while leveling new essences for 8.3. One of my 8.3 Essence is now level 2. My cloak is at rank 7. I have 4 Vessels to get my rank 8. I am very happy destroying M+ dungeons from M+11 from last season, now reaping the rewards of M+6’s. I will be doing M+7 soon. Just got Corrupted items. Got my trinket upgrades, range weapon upgrades. Still farming to get more Azerite Gear. I am not in a hurry.

I play raid when I want to raid. Got 3 normal bosses last week. It will improve when I give more time on raids as I am very busy with M+, Coalescing Visions and Cloak upgrade.

There’s tons of stuffs to do. It’s overwhelming. I am having fun. Last week, I even played Battle Pets completing the Weekly Quest. Right now, I just got the new Wolf mount from timewalking for WoD. Got titan residuums from Islands Expedition treasure rewards. Just waiting for Heroic Darkshore Warfront.

I dont care if Corrupted gear is not balanced though Blizz just made some changes. I got my own Corrupted gear to … to let me carry people on hard content. That was titanforging did to me last season… to carry people.

RNG is RNG. I still prefer it than winning 1 loot over 40 people on Naxx40 raid that takes 3 weeks… They are almost the same. But on BFA, it’s raining epics. But you have to identify the upgrade from piles of garbage epics… That’s even more fun to me.

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Archeage has a dash feature to all classes and races :wink: think Bliz could gain a few extra subs for non-mounted fast travel.

Looks at ahead of the Curve G’huun.

Looks at 2007 achievements

Raid tanked in Wrath.

Looks at my heirlooms from Siege of Orgrimmar

Raid tanked SoO.

Yes, clearly. That’s a lot of words for not caring.

And, tell me… what LFR item am I wearing? I don’t believe I’ve set foot in a single LFR since this expac started?

Your own foot must taste a little weird there, chief.


BFA just didnt work well on really any level.

I’m hoping shadowlands has redeeming qualities, but so far I’m hardly blown away by what I’ve seen. Abilities coming back intrigues me, but that could be a massive disappointment too.

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Good for it, I’ve still never heard of it, and that sounds like a terrible way to advance your character. To each their own tho.

Doesn’t really even sound like an MMORPG.

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