Dumb Thoughts : Non=Playable Races, unavailable Race/Class combinations, and you?

I have wanted this for years.


Hozen. A toy with no CD wouldn’t work, I want a racial where I can fling dek dek.


An all Hozen AOTC Raiding Guide.
Ook The Dookers


I would unironically love to play a Hozen. Likely a warrior using brass knuckles, as the image of a giant monke leaping across the battlefield just to sock you in the jaw gives me joy.

Give them a racial that lets them cling to a object above them, as long as it is not too high up.


I would actually play a warrior for this race.


Hozen are another species that would spark joy if playable, just so that I could hang out with tons of them IC.

I was always surprised they weren’t added at the end of MoP. Given the set up at the beginning of the leveling experience, I was convinced that they were going to add hozen and jinyu as playable races.

Then again, I thought the same with Ethereals at the end of Argus.

What a fool I was and still am. :pensive:


I’ve also wanted Broken since The Burning Crusade. “They’re an ugly race”, yes but they’re a race with character.


Blizz is a lot like politicians, expecting too much out of them leads to heartbreak and disappointment.

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For sure! :sob: This is why I’m glad that, at least for me, my mogs and habit of RPing this character has made me completely forget that I’m not already playing as an Ethereal.

(I know I could also do the reflecting prism trick for stealing an NPC’s appearance, but after doing that for another character for almost two years, I can’t go back to that nightmare.

Having to ensure my macro is pressed every 4 min, that I don’t DC, and don’t take an afk break that exceeds 4 minutes while RPing for 4+ hours is suffering.

I’m just not strong enough.)


To be fair, the Horde deserves to have Ogres, Mok’nathal, Taunka and Hozen in their ranks.

The Alliance needs to have Broken Draenei, Ethereals, Wildhammer Dwarves and Jinyu join as playable races.

Other allied races that could be fun to see thrown into the mix are Saurok, Yaungol, Gnolls and Tuskarr.


How Ogres don’t already exist as playable (and Horde) is beyond me. This should have happened a long time ago.

I have a personal belief that Blood Trolls of some sort are coming in DF for Horde but otherwise agree with all your choices. If they do it, curious what the Allied give might be. With all the Tuskarr items/stories coming in DF, that might also end up as an AR but I can’t imagine they’d just give Alliance Tuskarr. They seem a more neutral race.

Blizz gave Dwarves a number of options in the create-a-character screen that bring us pretty much to almost having Wildhammer. The body rigging should be a bit different but we do now have tats, feathers, etc so it gets close. A recognized questline/heritage armor would be great.

I am personally hoping for Tuskarr, since I’ve been hoping for it since Wrath. I’d love Vrykul of course. I was hoping beyond belief for Sethrak once I caught sight of them.


An obvious blizzard-playing-favourites moment. They gave the orcs three different clan heritage armours, but dwarves only get one.


Has anyone mentioned hozen yet? I’d really like to ook someone in the dooker soon!

I’m a weirdo in that I feel like the Taunka should go Alliance.

Think about it, it was established the Taunka are a lot more aggressive than other Tauren, and their version of Shamanism is dominating elementals instead of working in harmony with them. They’re a vengeful people quick to anger and slow to forgive.

And since the Northrend Campaign the Horde…just left them there. No Taunka NPC has been spotted in a Horde City even as background fluff. Even though they’d be perfect candidates for Garrosh’s True Horde sharing several of the same beliefs as he did. So chances are high Garrosh just left the Taunka to sit and spin in Northrend afterward and Vol’jin wasn’t Warchief long enough to re-initiate contact and Sylvanas had a deal going with a Death Robot so she never really cared (Despite the fact she’s responsible for really diversifying the Horde’s member races the most out of any Warchief).

I imagine the Taunka are quite upset at that development. Upset enough that I can see them sailing to Stormwind, barging into the Keep, and all but demanding to be allowed to join the Alliance out of sheer spite.


I feel like Blizz did us dirty by making the broken into pretty Greek space goats instead of this savage, potentially alliance race. The horde got blood elves. Why can’t the alliance get something monstrous?


Come to think of it, wasn’t that part of the original purpose of giving Alliance Worgen in Cata? Perhaps it’s a matter of being unable to get away from preconceptions of how each faction should be. Can’t put a more savage race in the Alliance without washing that part away, can’t put a less savage race in the Horde without them seeming out of place (at least to some).


Speaking of Worgen, RIP to all those poor Gilneans whose souls are Worgen roaming around the Shadowlands. Looks like the curse is soul-deep.


I’ve become notorious for playing a Light-wielding Death Knight, inspired somewhat by Sir Zeliek.

So naturally I want Forsaken Paladins. I’d happily reroll! xD

In terms of non playable races though I think I’m sincerely happy with what we’ve got right now, with the possible sole exception of Broken Draenei. I really wish we had playable Broken.


i will forever be a fuming fury elemental until Blizzard adds either ankoan or jinyu to Alliance, with broken being a close second

i am also 1000% on team hozen. i really don’t know why Blizzard made a bunch of great races in MoP and then didn’t consider them for the allied race system, but considering broken got skipped over for void elves and lightforged (???) it’s not that shocking in retrospect


I still wish Alliance had gotten Highmountain Tauren and the Lightforged had went Horde. Turaylon was Lordaeron born, after all and the Lightforged don’t have the racial memories the Draenei do in regards to the Orcs (Besides, the Lightforged should look down on Velen’s lot for “running”).

Would have just added a far better dynamic to everything.