Dumb Thoughts: Additional Speccs for all?

If Rogues can’t have a Tank spec, I’d like for them to have a ranged spec. Something like a Skirmisher that’s highly mobile and specializes in mid-ranged damage on the move, pincushioning their targets and pulling off trick shots to soften up their enemies.

Same with Warriors, honestly–I’d love a Herculean ranged spec that relied on big freaking bows and hurling javelins. But I also like the idea of a tank spec that fights with a giant, oversized shield and Protection could be closer to Gladiator-style.

I think Hunters should have a second melee spec, as well. Something closer to the archetypal Ranger–dual wielding moves, higher emphasis on stealth and mobility, abilities based around obsessing over your target.

At this point, though, we’re pretty much diluting the various class identities.

Back in Vanilla, I rolled rogue almost exclusively and when the tank would die in a 5-man (happened a lot!), I would pick up the agro and yell for the priest to heal me while I blew CDs and stayed alive to finish the fight. I also used to tank some of the mini-bosses out in the world in BC.

Rogue tanking was definitely a thing and it was incredibly fun. I’d go back to a rogue alt if they’d put this back into the game.


Of course after I posted, I thought of some other things.

I feel like Blizz has a lot of things still hanging out in their code from when they put in and took out different class changes, so bringing some of them back wouldn’t be too difficult. And everything wouldn’t need to be added all at once. Maybe druid changes on one patch, warrior changes on another.

My ultimate preference would be for each class to have tank/dps/heal roles. But I’d be happy with just additional roles. I also want all classes open to all races at this point. If a Forsaken is willing to endure the anguish of calling the Light, let them. Give me my Forsaken Pally, dang it!


I had a rogue tank set in Wrath and tanked a few heroics with my guild. I wound up having double the health pool a rogue had at the time. Used misdirect to help with aggro. Very fun.

Also fun: tanking CDs and then my macro that did vanish → swap to my dps gear → killing spree :poop:

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I vote rogue tank solely because in one Heroic Aberrus run, a rogue did a better job tanking than a PUG Blood DK tank we found of equal item level.

I love you.


If they add new specs skewed heavily towards tanks and healers it would help with queue time/lfg issues AND give people new specs to play with. Rogue could maybe have something like “acrobat” which is sort of a dodge tank, shamans are due for an earthen tank build, and some kind of healing isn’t entirely out of a mage’s wheelhouse


My list is :
Warrior - Gladiator (shield DPS)
Paladin - Crusader (duel wield / ranged DPS)
Hunter - Tinkerer (summonable temporary mechanical pet DPS)
Rogue - Corsair (buckler dodge tank)
Priest - Shadowform (melee DPS)
Shaman - Earthbinder (tank)
Mage - Blood Mage (dots DPS)
Death Knight - Necromancer (ranged / summoned pet DPS)

Druids already have four. Warlock and Demon Hunter don’t get one, because any variability on one is basically just the other (ranged demon hunter is a warlock, melee warlock is a demon hunter). Monk doesn’t get one because ranged DPS doesn’t make sense with the class’ focus on hand-to-hand combat. Evoker is confusing, and I refuse to learn a new class after playing this game for 20 years.


Ooh, I love the idea of more tank specs for queueing.

Rogues could be dodgy tanks or ranged tanks with some kind of shoot or throw. I honestly think ranged tanking might be too much of a challenge for WoW this late in the game, though. Too many boss mechanics rely on placement. But I’d still love to see it.

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I want rogue tank the dexterity side of AC + Damage negation abilities that need to be balanced. If I spam evasion and stuns fast enough this may be more than a dream!!!

Also, i forgot the other one I was going to say give me a moment




I would love to have Shockadin back.


Idk if this fits…a cleric (healer) style spec for paladin, mail armor, focuses more on spells and less on melee…meaning NO MELEE SPELLS! (Consecratio/Crusader Strike) Holy Pallys are healers…they shouldn’t be getting in melee unless there opponent closes the gap.

I’ve been asking for a Earthy Shaman Tank spec for ages. But they’re never gonna do it.