Dumb question but like

How do rogues survive in delves and stuff? I feel like I get melted even with brann as a healer.


Play Trickster, spec “So Tricky”. Or be prepared to constantly recast Tricks. Tricks of the Trade redirects to Brann. Sap/blind, kick, and hard CC casts. Run with the good leech enchants. Buy both health potions.

I have always ran him as DPS. I used him as DPS for the ?? Zekvir kills I did.


Thats a genius idea thank you !


If you want to punch above your level in Delves as a Rogue do the following:

  • Stealth past enemies you don’t have to kill. You can Sap true sight mobs. Use Distract first.
  • Tricks on to Brann but make sure to do it while not in stealth. Opening then Tricking is the key. Open with Cheapshot to give yourself breathing room to Tricks. You can also pre Feint to reduce damage during an opening.
  • Specc Brann into Healing and always grab the potions. They heal over time.
  • Spec yourself into double Vanish and double Feint, Eusiveness. You need to be Feinting often.
  • Buy potions and bring them
  • Don’t hold back. Use all your CDs if you have too. Wait to get them back if you need to.
  • Crippling Poison is a must. A lot of enemies will flee when low on health.
  • You can sap true sight mobs to bypass them by first distracting said enemy then spamming sap as you approach.

Tbh, Healing Brann is the most important. Otherwise careful pulling and don’t be afraid to use CDs and CC, or skip fights you don’t need. It gets easier as you get gear too of course. Going Assassination bleed spec with the AoE silence can help you burn down smaller groups pretty fast as well, assuming you can survive the opening salvo. The only things I’ve found to be particularly unfair don’t occur until T9+, where the named packs start showing up, and they can very challenging as a rogue, aside from the spider guy, depending on the delve. (Don’t bother with the Scarab Lord guy at all, it’s just death)

Edit: One other thing I learned early on, be careful what you interrupt for casts. Many of the bigger mobs and bosses have a specific ability you should interrupt, so keep an eye out for it.