For reasons I can’t say here or I’ll be the one who ends up vacationed.
Fuzz is love and snuggles.
For reasons I can’t say here or I’ll be the one who ends up vacationed.
Fuzz is love and snuggles.
I try and how did this topic wind up in here about ducks?
Give folks a way to get the skins for the toy and or make one default so its usable on others.
Are you not a duck in disguise?
there’s no need for that. it’s fine as is friend.
GASP i am not!
I blame Pigpen.
You are no friend of fuzz. Idk why ignore is not working properly for you but know that i do not wish to speak with you in any capacity.
I try to put you on ignore and it takes you off and puts you on mute instead.
why, what did i do?
Guys… I think Fuzz is actually Daetan O_O
A what now?
I knew it.
You know, the noblegarden boss! The duck druid guy
Fuzz had us all fooled smh
Having them off the vendor would be a good option or a chance to come off the holiday boss.
Oh right sorry.
Little scrambled atm
Well there is zero proof that you did, but everyone here said that you did. So just don’t do that ever again. And you tried making it seem like they were all bullying you for no reason when you first talked to me…but you can delete quickly and it doesn’t show anything was ever posted.
You actually tried to make it seem like all these people were being mean to you for no reason at all…but there was a reason.
I hope you’re okay People shouldn’t be scrambled, only eggs should!
There absolutely is a reason. However, previous interactions and the threads they were in got nuked from orbit.
Im out of hearts but thank you. /hug