Dual-Wield or Two-Hander for Frost PVP

Title says it all.

I really like dual wielding but it seems like everyone does two hander as frost and with the passive that increases obliterate by 30%, I can understand why. Is it that big of a difference?

2h for sure…the overall output is about the same, the difference is that 2h is much much burstier which suits pvp more.

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Is it that big of a difference that it would make me lose games? I really love dual-wielding

you could probably still win games, but yeah it is big competitive edge…
like if you do 40k damage in 5seconds then 10k over the next 5seconds, versus doing a flat 50k over 10seconds…the first profile is more likely to get a kill.

those numbers are just pulled out of the air and not based on anything, but that’s kinda the vibe between the 2. MotFW buffs oblit damage, making your burst window much more chonky, where as DW has a second runeforge and can sustain the damage outside of your window better, which doesn’t help in PVP.

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Ok, thank you <3