Then please leave the topic. Thank you.
The topic is dead.
Yeah couldn’t tell.
I mean someone as smart as you couldn’t figure out how to be good at the game they have played for 20 years?
Also I believe your sentence is poorly written and is wrong.
Do your wife and kids know how bad you are at the game you played for 20 years?
nobody cares what something does in wrath
You do – because it eats away at your elf pride knowing that people prefer Wrath over Era.
My wife would divorce me if I treated the game like some sort or achievement.
You know I log on and Play just like you right?
I just do it at a far higher skill level.
Your wife is probably tired of watching you keyboard turn and click.
I honestly do prefer permanent wrath classic actually. And blizzard still won’t let me.
I dunno. I feel like dual wielding in anniversary vanilla classic is pretty minor. It isn’t really that big of a deal.
But it’s kind of a big deal that I am not allowed to play permanent wrath classic era server. I find that stupid as heck. And it hasn’t really been long enough for me to want to re experience vanilla again. Where as with wrath I wanted to play until the end of time. Blizzard of course won’t let me.
i completely agree, make it so we have to be in a rested area to change specs with dual spec too many people are going to abuse that to their advantage. and i have tons of friends that would play if you guys made that one simple change
Please add barbershop or a character appearance change service.
(Throws up in Night elf)
As a NE that’s my response to your portrait…
What an example of this “advantage”?
the gnome is bragging about its retail “accomplishments”
Across these forums over the past week or so, numerous examples have been given of ways in which unrestricted dual spec can be advantageous in ways that can get gameplay. Swapping to specs that increase DPS in certain raid fights (e.g., cleave fights) where one wouldn’t otherwise is a clear example. This will happen as it happens in later versions of the game. People are broadly ignoring these because they are inconvenient to admit.
All of you in a raid setting have that option. No one has an advantage because you ALL have access to it…
That’s assuming you even have a niche spec that is better at AOE than your current meta pve spec.
Since I won’t be able to afford it at level 40, it doesn’t matter much, but I would have loved to have dual specs as leveling on my paladin. Tank spec for dungeons and ret spec for questing. I know it doesn’t apply to every classes, but that would have been nice. When I’m 60, I’ll be probably tanking only 5 man dungeons, so dual specs won’t be so useful.
“Unrestricted Dual Spec” means Mages can spec Frost for Molten Core and then switch to Fire for Blackwing Lair and this is an obvious problem because reasons
You’ve literally made the argument for me. Re-read what you’ve written, lol. There is advantageous relative to the NPC and advantageous relative to other players. Both are relevant!