Druid Tuning - April 10

#somechanges am I right body type 1’s?


Can you explain how this set of changes furthers the Classic ethos and experience as set out in your pre-release roadmap?


Direct Resto Cat Nerf!

Hi Blizzard. I would love for there to be more consideration to pvp changes with things like this. The PVP community are begging and pleading for balance changes to make the currently oppressive meta more enjoyable, none of which would alter anything of current feral druids. This will now nerf an already underrepresented spec.

This also proves you are capable of making changes that do impact pvp, so please consider a nerf to Unrelenting Assault from Warriors as well as a bug where Warriors can currently maintain Shield Wall with a 2-hander and continue to deal damage. Change sacred cleansing to feel less like we are in a TBC-era of pvp with RNG on magic debuffs vs holy paladins (who are also miles ahead the best healer in both pve and pvp content through all of wrath). Finally take a look at elemental shamans tool kit as currently earthbind roots do not DR with itself and has a 10 second CD on the totems.

There are many other changes that could be considered, but regardless either revert this change or start making more frequent changes to overtuned specs and abilities that impact pvp.

When will the lesson be learned? Every time blizzard “balances” anything they ruin something else.

It took them only like 2years to remove batching, I am sure week before cata prepatch this will be addressed. Its pretty sad that russian basement servers had more GMs and support then the official servers.


Nah, the original buff was spot on :slight_smile:

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Everyone I’ve talked to since classic came out was hoping for Wrath.
Not a single person on my friends list or in gdkp wants Cata classic. 0 interest.


Wrath is a close tie with Shadowlands for the worst expac they ever put out, if you’ll play that for a second time you’ll play anything they sell you.

You mispelled WoD.

The amount of mental gymnastics you had to make to even come up with that sentence is impressive.


WOD is just wrath with better raid mechanics, better dungeons, better leveling and better rotations. They both have the same issues of homogenized classes and nothing to do but raidlog, but at least the raids/classes in WOD have more going on.

every wow expansion is like that, if you do pvp and pve there is always something to do though, if you just pve you better have 20alts.

Agreed, Let the Ferals QQ cause instant spam cyclones and roots with infinite movement is not enough for them they need the 5%! HA! I say nerf 10% damage overall… Y’all lucky its only 5%

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Good changes, thanks for the update Sanq


What a mic drop lol
This cat is the coolest. :heart_eyes_cat:


you can purge and ground both, but okay.

The classic devs can’t even properly balance a class, and there’s people out here thinking that they make a whole new Classic+ expac after WotLK. :upside_down_face:


too busy figuring out what the next 6month sub pet will be.

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anyone who thinks ferals were overtuned in pvp is smoking something very illegal