Druid Tuning - April 10

Is there future plans to make changes since it was said the buffs felt stronger than intended?

Honk Honk! Resto Cat will take the Ws were we can though.

It’s kind of insulting when someone at Blizzard mentions “player feedback.” You ignore a good 99% of what’s posted on this forum, not responding to it, not doing anything about it, and rarely ever using the forum itself.


Thank you for listening!

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Cry loud enough and long enough and get whatever you want. Blizz needs to not roll over so easily. I mean did you think all ferals were gonna be cheering about a 5% dmg nerf? Stick to your guns.

You are just encouraging players to whine for changes since you guys cave so easily.


What a clown show. Further buffing a hybrid class beyond the levels of the pure DPS class it’s similar to, because people whined when you adjusted the insane buff you already added to it. If you actually bothered to test changes like this instead of pushing them to the live servers this wouldn’t read like an episode of Seinfeld.


Blizzard doesn’t listen = they are evil and ignore us
Blizzard actually listens = they are evil they peer to pressure

god its hard to be Blizzard.


Ngl following this whole saga is most fun I’ve had with wow in weeks


and here I foolishly thought you were actually going to do real work on retail Bears

Guess not

so you cooked this change up to slightly nerf feral in pve but then after ‘player feedback’ for a couple of hours you end up actually buffing us in pve?


 Druid needed the nerf
 They just need to find a new way to implement it than what they did here.


In the future can we PLEASE wait till server resets todo theses changes? A little more inhouse testing (assuming someone at blizzard plays a feral). I could have been in the middle of any raid boss with random changes happening in real time. Things like this make Blizzard look like it has only 1 intern working on Wrath.


Maybe they’re testing pushing out major changes in real time?

 you DIDN’T overshoot your mark for the buff? Or what? Because you just said you did.

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we didn’t need a dmg buff to begin with. bearweaving was fun and we have the ability to offtank, innervate, bres, crit buff, bleed debuff. i hope they stop randomly screwing with this 15 year old game without thinking about it for more than 20 minutes


“Yeah. That was a scary couple of hours!” -Moe Szyslak

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I’m not going to sugarcoat this.
Buff Frost Mage

Bottom text

I won’t argue that. The entire “fix” to the rotation was really shortsighted.


Clearly, this isn’t classic. make them use a glyph if they want 100% Omen procs from Fairy Fire or don’t do anything at all. paladins had to sacrifice something

It’s always interesting to see people who cry about those crying, as they rarely see the hypocrisy.

IMO it was good to reverse this because it wasn’t thought through. The only people who seemed to be happy were those who were already salty about the druid change last week.

Even if you don’t agree it’s nice to see player feedback work for this.