Druid Transformation Bug

I would like to first express how disconcerting it is to have an in-game option for submitting bugs that indicates “we will need as much detail as possible”, “be specific”, “avoid abbreviations” and what follows is a text box of space that amounts to a single medium sized paragraph (at best). I crammed as much as I could into this “option” already but had to leave out a lot of information, as will become readily apparent.

I’ve encountered what appears to a bug specific to my druid and something that cannot be summed up in one sentence.

Illustrative example:
I’m questing in travel form, moving from one quest item to another ignoring something attacking me for a time. When the creatures attacking me begin to build up in number i click to switch to cat form; the “switching to cat form” audio and visual goes off (sound of roaring tiger and the poof of smoke), the special action bar indicates cat form is selected, I’m even moving at cat form speed, however the form I am looking at is still travel form. Not only that, my regular ability action bar is still showing as if I’m in travel form. When I click to switch to other forms its the same issue, even if I click out of the present form and then back into it. This has happened more than once and is not specific only to travel form, the same has happened when the bug popped up while I was in bear form and cat form. It essentially makes all forms short of the present one non existent.

It seems to me that it has only become like this since Season 2 started, If my memory serves me correctly it has happened before then but to less effect. I’ve shrugged it off for some time as a hazard of high graphics, server latency, minor bugs, etc but its reached a point that is making simple game-play difficult. I have done some form of tests to see what specifically could be causing it but the best I can come up with is possibly server lag. In the past, going as far back as Legion and due to lag (server or otherwise) or high graphic settings, I have seen my transformation into different forms were delayed (even for up to 30 solid seconds) but its never been like this. When it occurs now it sticks and will not let up unless I log off or don’t use my druid for a time. I lowered my graphics but if anything it became worse since then, I checked if it is my internet connection but it seems fine. Also this kind of issue only happens to my druid, iv switched to other toons half a minute later and there are no problems that might indicate the connection. I checked if it was addons but it has happened when i have no addons loaded and when iv had many addons loaded. I’ve even tried reloading the ui when it happens but it doesn’t help. Now my only option when this happens is to switch to an alt or do something else.

If I’ve been logged off or playing an alt for a time (maybe a few hours) I can go back to playing my druid for a while without problems, but it seems to be unpredictable. Some times I can spend a couple hours on my druid with no problem, other times it happens after 20 minutes of play. I’ve gone days without a problem, but today it happened after 20 minutes and the problems seems to be sticking even an hour later. It has happened in Island expeditions at least once but thankfully at the time it went on for a minute and then went away. For obvious reasons I’m nervous about using my druid for anything combat related. I’m hopeful this issue can be resolved because I play druid more than anything else for the sheer enjoyment.

I’ve had the same problem since some days ago :confused: The worst part is, in my case not even logging off worked, I had to play with another toon and play with my druid again after awhile to get this “fixed”.

Yeah that was what I intended to say, should be “…will not let up unless i log off and don’t use my druid for a time.”

I was experiencing this as well and a GM told me it’s on Blizzard’s end. It’s a result of too many people in your zone, which results in heavy server lag. The lag causes this issue and a bunch of other ones like combo points not being added despite a successful attack going off. Apparently this is a problem almost 24/7 in drustvar and tiragarde sound, so my only advice is try to stay out of those zones (Good luck with that as your alliance lol).