Druid shapeshift removes or hides transformation buffs

Currently druid shape-shifting hides or removes transformation debuff including but not exclusive to: noggin fogger elixers, deviate delights, Halloween costumes

Steps to reproduce

  1. Consume or cast a buff on yourself
  2. Shapeshift
  3. Lose buff or in the case of noggin, buff effect is hidden.

Halloween ends soon, would be cool if we could enjoy at least a week of costumes.

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This was a known issue. And was not fixed until Wotlk or Cata :frowning: Hopefully they’ll add a fix in classic. I hate losing my transformations on my druid.

The least urgent Druid fix that’s needed atm


Working as the reference client. It was annoying in Vanilla, but it’s authentic.

No, in the known issues already
“Noggenfogger Elixir does not retain the skeleton model on a shapeshifted Druid”.

Blizzard has acknowledged at the start of Classic that this is an issue and it hasn’t been fixed

This issue wasn’t fixed till late in Wrath or early in MoP.

Speaking about deviate delight and noggenfogger, druids definitely maintained the visual effect and buff through their shapeshift forms in classic.

I don’t recall that being the case. I complained bitterly about it back then. Same for costumes. :frowning:

Funny you should mention the reference client. Does anyone know what patch its using cause alot of stuff in classic is no where near how it worked in 1.12

Folks who remember it working to enable costumes while Form-Shifted back in vanilla either played Private Servers with hackjob guesswork, or have faulty memories.

Uh noggenfogger definately worked btw

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“Classic” is a patch called 1.13.2. At this point, I would have to say it’s the Legion port.

Maybe they would have been better off de-bugging 1.12 and leaving it otherwise alone.

I know what classic is silly im asking what the reference client is . I would imagine its 1.12 but if it was they would notice all the things that arent working or using tbc updates.

Blizzard has identified the reference client as 1.12.

I think the mechanics are not functioning as they did in Vanilla because of the port.

Then they have to be lying because there is plenty that wasnt how it was in 1.12.

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Obviously there are bugs because of the port… that’s why there is this entire forum we are posting in

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They have already confirmed using the reference client that the behavior should be that the skeleton effect from Noggenfogger remains during shapeshift form.

See the “Known Issues” sticky.

Then we agree. :grinning:

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Yeah i know i was responding the person who said none of them worked ive read the known issues even have an updated known issues thread going noting alot of bugs and stuff that clearly worked in 1.12 but doesnt maybe check it out.