Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

yeah 0 people wanted this 5% tigers fury proc. its been revealed for so many months and people have hated it since day 1 the fact that it went through is incredibly tone deaf

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Gore is technically better with powershifting as you have a much higher cpm of Shred than you otherwise would.

It is still a horrible and laughably undertuned rune though.

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Wdym threat of going OOM? We get 4 powershifts per fight.


We currently OoM after 4 shifts. We’re not asking for the mana cost to be brought to 0 but to introduce any way of reliably getting mana back. They introduced numerous mana buffs for classes; 75% mana back for shaman, free shadowfiend for all priests, 2m dispersion etc. Druids are currently stuck with a 6m cd innervate that scales off of spirit.

If you are playing the current lotp, you will still be playing furor next phase because of how it drastically increases our damage (This is classic afterall)


Natural Shapeshifter is a great talent already available!!!

boolo just wants to argue - stop replying to him. he obviously doesn’t know what’s going on


Can you explain the logic behind why you think giving Shamans, Priests, Mages, Paladins, and Hunters abilities that help them significantly with mana is fine; but giving Druids one is out of the question?


Please do not add Gore. No Feral mains want this rune. Check any Feral discord and just read for 30 seconds.


Nah just tired of current Ferals, whiny bunch

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The guild name fits.


I already said Improved Leader of the Pack is the answer, works for both PvP and PvE

iLOTP doesn’t generate enough mana to sustain and also had an ICD that works against us

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Supporting ferals here, gore is awful. Blizzard, please be more creative.


8% max of your mana every 6 seconds is more than enough

All classes should have well designed runes. Any 5% chance of success is terrible design


That discord would prefer to spam mangle/powershift/ferocious bite for the rest of the season if they could, not a good place for suggestions

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I’m the CEO

No we’d like to powershift and spam shred? Mangle nerf was unecessary but not the issue and ferocious bite in its current iteration is abysmal.

The problem is the lack of mana to shift and the continual development of anti-synergy and unfun design of runes. Like tell me, does gore read right for bear either?


I’m just jabbing at the Feral Discord cause when they nerfed Mangle it was QQ city in there even though they buffed Shred.

At 60 with Natural Shapeshifter it will be a lot more manageable so I see it as a non-issue. People managed in Vanilla no problem.

I do have an issue with Gore, I just have a bigger issue with “50% reduced shapeshift cost” as that is a very boring and overpowered change.

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Ideally reduced cost is not a rune, it’s baked in somewhere.