Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

this multi-million dollar company is legit going to go live with gore saying lacerate can reset the CD on mangle… yet you cant have both of those abilities at the same time?

AWESOME job Dev team way to make your company look good.

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Rune goes live today and still no change.

Good job ignoring the entire feral community, really keeping that communication strong and fresh. Amazing.

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bro at this point due to how bad this is… lacerate being better TPS for single target… Ill be using imp barkskin.

Think of it like this. As a feral and really boomkin too, you could not even get phase 3 runes and hardly anything would change. A lot of classes are rushing to get their runes asap, but me I was like meh, when I get around too it, it really does nothing that good.

The only one I wanted was improved barkslin for pvp, since you can use it in form and no penalty(and what else are you going to put on your helm? Gore? Hurricane? HAHA). Hell might just use it for pve too, give a cooldown I can use on the tank. Better then a 5% slot machine.

havent even thought about getting any phase 3 runes since they are really just trash and frankly my in game play time has dwindled by like 85% as well

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After having cleared the raid as Bear… I did not even touch gore in its state due to how completely broken it is atm…

Please fix this!

One of the many reasons I quit this phase.

the Gore rune is just flat out sad… what a demonstration of lack of knowledge from the Dev team… “lets push out a rune that literally cannot function”…

The announcement that they know the lacerate/mangle thing is an issue and was an oversight was weeks ago at this point… are you serious?? how is it still in the game like this?

I made a million comments about this back when it was data mined in p1, feral design is bunk in SoD, I swapped balance over the feral changes. The runes try to fix a nonissue and make parsing even more rng heavy, while making rotation significantly more tedious. Its just bad design.


yea for cat i agree 100%… however I am a bear and atm I would like to atleast be able to have it function as written/intended… but since I do not have access to Lacerate and mangle at the same time… I am unsure how lacerate can reset the CD on mangle…

this has been an issue since it was datamined PRE phase 1…

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