Druid Rune Gore: Respectfully, No thank you

People thinking reducing shift costs is a good idea have never PvP’d in their life

Anyone that actually understands Feral should be advocating for Improved Leader of the Pack

Game ain’t balanced around PVP, which is obvious with how SOD is going bub.



Basically all balance changes have been due to PvP, where have you been?

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Clearly you haven’t raided in SoD as feral and realized LotP doesn’t perform nearly as good as powershifting until your kill times are less than 20 seconds.
Improving LotP will do nothing but make feral even more stagnant than it already is.

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laughs in shaman

Sounds like bosses shouldn’t die in 20 seconds, why would you even care if a boss dies that fast lmao

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Because we also go OOM of fights longer than 20 seconds, which is not fun

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Sounds like you’d need KotJ and Gore then


Not only is it a disappointing RNG rune for cat, but it’s laughable for bear


This thread stinks of the Feral Discord


To be constructive on why Gore is a bad rune and unwanted.

  1. For Bear: Bears currently use Lacerate on single target and cannot get Mangle. Mangle proccing off of lacerate DOES NOT WORK unless lacerate/mangle are moving slots. This would make the rune either useless if you using lacerate which you should be for any ST encounter.
  2. For Cats. Oh boy. There are two major issues with Gore. The first is that its a 5% chance to proc on a single charge; this can lead to success for ferals being reliable on a 5% proc and possibility of munching if you somehow get multiple procs in a short span. The other is that it works against powershifting; powershifting is the bread and butter of feral success in classic AND tbc.

The decision to include gore and not include mana cost adjustments with KOTJ (wotlk version) as well as no adjustments to any of our current issues is highlighting the lack of awareness of feral plights. Our damage could be fine with small adjustments, but we will continue to fall behind without mana changes and relying on RNG to take the wheel.

Please do not go through with this iteration of Gore and please fix our mana.


It seems pretty clear that the person designing the feral druid runes does not understand how the class is played. The pins in the feral dps channel of the class discord cover most of what would be needed to understand the class.

A 1 in 20 slot machine is not good gameplay. It is a bad casino that you hope spits out a fun time, instead of waiting for energy to build. Alternatively, you could just ignore it and continue powershifting as normal, because it’s 95% as effective and doesn’t require a rune slot at all.

The design is bad even if it was substantially useful for the spec, and other classes weren’t dealing substantially more damage and/or bringing nearly the same utility. But shamans bring windfury, and warriors are getting close to doing enough additional damage to make up for losing windfury if a shaman is not available.

Playing a totem isn’t fun. If that’s the role feral is consigned to, and this rune is basically doing that, I can’t come up with a reason to log in to the character.


So what about Omen of Clarity?

Having to give up one of your strongest PvP runes, survival instincts, would be a very large cost.

And if you do the math on improved LotP, it’s pretty clear that without removing the ICD from it, it does very little to aid feral mana issues. It adds about 1 powershift of mana every 45 seconds.

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Omen sucks, we like natural weapons.



Please, delete this rune. It’s uninteresting, uninspired, lazy and shows a complete disconnect with the feral community.

For months, there have been jokes about the disastrous nature of this rune ever since it was first datamined. The fact that developers proceeded with its implementation reflects a disregard for understanding the desires of dedicated druid players.


Current iteration of omen of clarity is terrible; it became better in TBC and great in wotlk.

Feral druids will grab OoC because they want the 5 points in Naturalist. I highly recommend checking the feral discord to learn more about it and why rng based gameplay isn’t good design


I know how to play Feral, that discord is cancer.

You guys defend a very basic play style and screech the second it becomes more interesting

What is interesting about gambling on a 5% proc ?


What is interesting about powershifting if the threat of going OoM doesn’t even exist?

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