Druid Resto/Tank, Windwalker Monk, Resto Shaman Looking for home for end of S4/TWW!

Hey all!

Looking for a fun guild for the end of the season and getting ready for TWW. Love to raid and push M+. Lots of raiding experience from WOTLK onwards, although took a little bit of a break and have recently got back into WoW big time. Been pugging recently but really miss having a fun community to play with during the week. I currently have:

  • Druid Resto/Tank (love raid healing, first real tank so been doing mostly heroics and M+). Somewhat built, gearing up via PUGS
  • Resto Shaman (again, love raid healing). Used my character boost here, so pretty geared
  • Windwalker Monk for some dps flavor in my life. Not super geared, but would love to play him more.

Would love a guild that is active and social, but also aims to push for endgame content and progression. I have a good amount of time during the week to play (outside of Thursdays) – especially on Mondays - Wednesdays. I’m located in California so PST is preferable.

Had some issues with aggressive/racist guilds in the past so trying to find a mature guild with adults like myself. Happy to chat over discord or anything to get to know you all! Will be playing a lot of TWW so looking forward to joining a fun community!

Bnet: BhazimDaMonk#1446

Hey there! I’m Byndi, the GM of the guild Gnome Depot. :smile: We are currently recruiting for our AOTC team in preparation for TWW. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to take a quick look through, and if your interested… I would love to sit down and chat with you! Best of luck on your guild hunt!