Druid legion mount question for alts

If you want the druid form from legion, you have to do it on alts.

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gaaaaaaaaaaaah that is so annoying then >_<

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if i recall correctly you can get it in moonglade with an npc taht is sitting atop the roof of the main building on your alts once you’ve gotten it on your main


Oh? That’s a bit of a relief if that happens

I may have to test this, I do have a couple druid alts. I have done it on this toon. Bah, I have to wait till after work.

I may be mistaken. I will admit if I was.


I do believe it’s account bound, I seen a level 110 < with the owl before while I was trying to get mine

It is account bound. As someone else mentioned there is an NPC in moonglade on top of the building near the druid trainer, that allows you to toggle on the mount and toggle off.
There is a level restriction but I don’t recall what it was.

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Phew. Thank you.

I just like the big owl form compared to the other flight forms

Wait…you do? :frowning: Hm I’ll have to check my horde druid. I guess that makes sense. I don’t like it though. :frowning:

NM it is account bound!

Then I am happy to say “I WAS WRONG”.


no worries mate it happens ^^; I appreciate you trying to help

Where I can not find it, can you give cords?

Druids got screwed with that flight form, I’m glad its at least account bound like every other class mount.

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I can’t log in and check at the moment. At work. She is in an out of the way area though. Maybe check wowhead and see if someone posted coords.

They really need to move her to a better location.

I dunno, I like it. Can carry someone and still instant cast. Could be worse.

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#fakenews Do it on one druid and all your druids will have it. Visit Faeb, an NPC in Moonglade to select it or the standard flight form.

I stopped playing my Druid in BfA but unless they fixed it… Not giving a comparable travel form on land makes it useless in dungeons, raids, or anywhere else you can’t fly. That is stupid and a bad oversight from Blizz, (that they refuse to fix)

Plus its ugly as heck…

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To be fair I admitted I was wrong in an earlier post in this thread, but then you obviously didn’t read the whole thing.


No. Because if you’ve already done it you’ve seen what it looks like, and so you know better.
