Druid form and conditional macro help

Hello, I already have a macro for a conditional ability macro for friendly/foe, however I wanted to make the macro a bit more robust by it including a bunch of different abilities based off what stance I’m in. So for example this is the macro that I currently use:

/use [harm]Starsurge;Nourish

This allows me to put both of those abilities essentially on a single button and depending on whether the target is friendly or not it will show that ability and allow me to use it.

Could someone help me here to make a macro for example, do regrowth or wrath in caster/travel/moonkin, shred or regrowth in cat, and mangle or regrowth in bear?

/cast [form:1,harm] Mangle; [form:2,harm] Shred; [harm] Wrath; Regrowth

If you want to add mouseover functionality, follow one of these templates:

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Thanks a lot. You always come through, appreciate it!