Druid flight form in dragonflight

What is this nearly-two year old dinosaur and why was it necroed?


Would you rather they started a new thread, so you you could complain about “Oh, not this again… #BanAllNewThreadsAboutTopicsI’mNotInterestedIn”, instead?

If something was discussed in the past we can absolutely never add to it.

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I think for the Druid learning to fly like a Dragon ought to be the theme…

I really really hate Dragon Riding. I suck at it. I cannot do it. I have tried and tried. I think it’s a big FU that they unlocked made it available only after you complete a bs achievement that can only be completed by using Dragon Riding then unlocked Dragon Riding in old world content for absolutely nothing. I cannot be the only person thats having this problem. Please remove the FU BS achievement.

it’s actually now been necroed like three times, at least.

Originally, the Druid concept was that they will shapeshift into forms that were directly related to the zones they were in, but that never happened. In TBC, there was a Druid questline to get your flight form two levels before regular mounts (level 58, flying mounts at level 60 for everyone else). They removed it after Wrath. Fast forward to now, starting at levels 10, 20, 30, and 40, everyone gets the ability free of charge and mounts are really easy and common to come by. Druids kind of got nerfed with them no longer getting to ride/fly 2 levels early. Things change. Pathfinding changed with the legacy expacs, by removing most if not all the quests. Now, everyone is equal. I don’t see the problem here.