You can try and bullsh*t us into thinking its ok in terms of fairness but its not
Getting the Druid’s flight form originally took a lot of effort time and help from guildies too. As an asset to the guild that was ok. Flight form was EARNED it was not a gift, the same with Seal form. Travel form was just a con. we had travel form and along with other forms we could choose which one to use and when
Want talk about fairness what about all the other classes that have abilities others don’t. Without getting into a list Rogues turn invisible knock people out and pick their pockets. Paladins and Warriors wear plate armour (sic yanks) all classes and races have their own thing…
Druids fly… and swim everyone knows that.
Feeling a bit Jealous like the OP then roll a druid and stop being so petty
Someone is angry that Druids actually have fun playing the game.
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I’ll never be able to have sympathy for druids when they all banded together and made enough outcry to make sure the monk’s instant cast flight ability never happened. Well, it did happen but it’s like 60% speed or something like that.
1.) They didn’t remove it.
2.) It’s been 15 years, almost exactly.
3.) We never have the ability to fly from the beginning of an expansion. Even in TBC, we couldn’t get it until we were nearly done leveling, and fast flight cost more gold than most of us had. In Wrath, we had to pay 1k gold and hit level 68 to get flight in Northrend. In Cataclysm, we got flight for a cheap gold price and mounts became more expensive than training for the first time, but characters still had to reach level 60 before they could fly. Since WoD, flight comes behind a Pathfinder achievement that drops for the new zones after the first major content update patch.
They haven’t removed druid flight (or anyone else’s regular flight). We can still use flight form in every zone of the game except Dragon Isles, and we will have it in the new zones as soon as Pathfinder drops…just like we always do.
The treasures and secret things have been designed around people on the ground and on dragonriding mounts. Regular flight trivializes these puzzles, secrets, and special features as it always has, so the devs restrict flight in the launch patch to roll out content that flight frankly ruins.
In BfA, we farmed in travel form for a solid calendar year before we got flight. I still remember carrying around a guildie as a mount so we could both pick herbs along the river in Tiragarde Sound. In Shadowlands, we had to traverse the zones in travel form until we got flight, same as always. I don’t know why so many people are freaking out over it in Dragonflight.
We’ll have flight form back in 10.1 or 10.2 as per usual.
We did? I guarantee 99.9% of us have no idea what you’re talking about. Man, people sure love having resentments.
If a Moonkin can flap and slow fall, at the very least the druid bird should be able do it as well, in any zone in any expansion regardless of the status of “flight.”
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…turned level 58 and could just fly.
It doesn’t even make sense, period. I’m not likely to forget the forty years I’ve spent playing the guitar just because I went overseas. It’s all to promote dragon riding.
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To be fair, the delay on those early expansions was pretty trivial. And Cata was technically available from the start.
In BC, most people were flying within a month (or two for those with limited playing time).
In Wrath, it was more like a week or two.
And Cata was instant as long as you were max leveled from the previous expansion (which you should have been).
MoP made it a bit harder but even then it was maybe a month for most people.
If we’re not allowed a proper Dragon Riding racial because unfair advantage then Druids aren’t allowed flight form for an unfair advantage deal with it ![:dracthyr_tea: :dracthyr_tea:](
I mean we get enough carry on about dragonriding as it is, was it necessary to resuscitate an old post to enable ranting to continue there?
… what are you talking about? A ton of us have been trying to advocate for YEARS on this forum that it should work like druid flight form. People here raged at us and told us “NO BECAUSE THEN I CAN’T FISH!”
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I mean to be fair that really goes for flying in general, like why can’t I use a regular mount in Zandalar? Wasn’t like we had some special training needed when we got there we just couldn’t figure out how gravity worked until all the groups liked us enough.
It was during the MoP beta when Zen flight first hit it was druid flight form, monks could do everything a druid could do except the node interactions I believe, but it stepped on the Druid “Class Identity” to much and got turned into ground mount speed that can only be used when you can fly.
That must have happened in Beta then… because I came back for MoP and I only ever remember it being ground mount speed.