Druid: Class tree, Guardian and QoL


I am simply posting this for more visibility, because the pre-patch is approaching fast and there is some stuff that I (and perhaps many others) care about the class that has yet to be addressed.

Druid tree could use a second look

The current Druid class tree currently looks like this (the bottom section):
https:// i.imgur. com/8ybZcJ5.png

It reminds me a lot of the original Guardian Druid tree, which looked like this:
https:// i.imgur. com/7fmebTW.png

(I cannot post links, apologize for the weird URLs but I think it’s important to show the two pictures in some way)

The guardian one was then changed in later patches because there was no “freedom of movement” at the bottom. However the new druid class talent tree looks identical in many ways, it doesn’t offer any pathing between capstones.

I don’t have anything specific to suggest for the tree, but the Druid feedback thread has a bunch of cool ideas, specially one post from folks at the Dreamgrove discord (unfortulately I cannot post links, it is post #173 from the thread)

Guardian’s Lunar Beam is still locked at the bottom of the spec tree

You specifically called out that Warrior’s shockwave would be moved up the tree to accommodate it being a central part of one of their Hero talent tree. However, guardian is in a similar spot with Lunar Beam, and the talent is still locked at the very bottom of the tree.

This goes without saying, there are still zero changes announced for Guardian, the spec wasn’t mentioned once in patch notes or in any of the forum posts regarding plans or future changes. There is a list of issues with the spec (and potential solutions/ideas) in the forum thread I linked above that I think are worth looking at.

QoL being taken away from the class

Flight form on the beta is currently locked to your flying-style choice. However in Dragonflight, we can use both a dynamic riding mount and instantly switch to our good old flight form to navigate more precisely. With the new flight-style option, all mounts (including Flight Form) are locked to one flying style, therefore we lose one perk of playing Druid. There are some alternatives such as a glyph/mark that could be added to the Travel Form spell.

Moonkin Form being taken from all specs other than balance has some implications outside of damage/defenses. This means no other spec can use the legendary combo Wild Charge disengage → Flap. It is very sad to lose this :frowning:

Those three points are the biggest ones that matter to me, there is also a lot of good stuff in the Druid feedback thread posted by players from all types of content,

Thanks for reading :bear:


Don’t have anything to add but wanted to give you a :+1:

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What he said.

There is alot wrong with bear. Hopefully they get to us before beta is over.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Feedback: Druids