Druid buff plz

Hardly anyone is complaining about single target threat on bosses.

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They are jelly, that is all.

Druids complain about tanking prince all of the time lmao

Pretty sure number of druids who tanked price in tbc classic is well under 1k, so all the time is well pile of something.

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Threat is not like retail where even looking at a mob as a tank generates threat. Threat is still a thing in classic tbc, and you will need to gear for threat AND mitigation where necessary, this does not mean druids are “broken” or not “working as intended”.

Being a tank is an active role which requires either letting dps die until they learn their lesson, marking targets, tab targeting, proper placement, gearing for the role, and general experience.

Sigh, engaging with people who have to resort to semantical drivel is exhausting.

Look at the massive threads on the forums where druids complain about tanking in general.

There are many many more, but filling a thread full of 200 threads about druid tanking issues would be pointless. But you just want semantical and technical correctness so good for you, have fun.

Now in my opinion this is a skill gap among players not an actual issue with druid tanks, at least for now.

And your point is what exactly? When i specifically said no one is complaining about druid single target threat. Which BTW druid tanking price threat is complaining about getting owned not threat.

Can at least attempt to argue the point i made not the point you imagined i made?

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No, because I already admitted that I was in left field talking about single target threat when the OP was specifically discussing dungeon tanking. How many times do I have to admit I was wrong. Yet you want to keep arguing.

The only information I was going to bring to this discussion was about raid tanking, so unless we are going down that road. Please stop engaging with me.

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I 100% agree there needs to be some threat buff to swipe or hell maybe thorns. I’m spec correctly and have mostly pre bis however in dungeons I always cc groups larger then three. But even when I’m tanking only three targets I’ll get 3-4 swipes in before group starts to aoe yet they pull the off targets almost instantly. I can’t even get through a normal shattered halls dungeon because screw that gauntlet event if your not a pally. It almost seems buggy how little threat swipe is generating.

You love me.


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Even when TBC first came out a decade ago, my rule was to let the dps who pulled agro early to tank the mob. Taunt is good after they die.

I solo tanked Kara way back. Admittedly, I had to abuse barkskin and hurricane on some of the pre-moroes pulls since there were so many enemies, but it worked.

Knowledge is good. Understanding the knowledge is better. I have seen too many players already who only know what they are told and do not understand the underlying reasons. Hard to adapt to different circumstances without understanding.


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