Druid Ancient Lore macro Vuhdo

Anyone know how to get this to work with Vuhdo? I want when I’m in Ancient Lore form to cast Blossom Burst instead of Rejuvenation which I set for my left click. I’ve tried:
/cast [target=vuhdo][stance:4] Blossom Burst(PVP Talent); Rejuvenation
/cast [stance:4][target=vuhdo] Blossom Burst(PVP Talent); Rejuvenation
/cast [stance:4][@vuhdo] Blossom Burst(PVP Talent); Rejuvenation
/cast [stance:4, @vuhdo] Blossom Burst(PVP Talent); Rejuvenation

Nothing seems to work, and I check all over the internet. Any help is appreciated.

[this, and this]
[this] [or this]
; else this

Assuming form/stance 4 is correct the macro would be:

/cast [form:4,@vuhdo] Blossom Burst(PVP Talent); [@vuhdo] Rejuvenation

You are awesome!! This totally works. It was driving me crazy trying to figure this out. Thanks!!