Drugs in the World of Warcraft

Not only is there a dwarf in Booty Bay who’s addicted to a…“powdery” sort of drug, but he actually gives you a quest to get him some.

They call it “snuff” but…I think I know what it’s really supposed to be called…


kool-aid mix


Snuff is what they called some poppy based drugs in the 1800s.

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It’s also a powdered tobacco you put in your lip. Similar to chewing tobacco only in dry powdered form.

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Hey do you remember the last time this type of thing was brought up and cannibal dropped that bombshell of absurdity on us and even the CM in question came here to snark at us for treating him like he was a joke?

I love the forums.


Link/screenshots pls

It’s from one of the posts Ursuola linked.

Pretty much cannibal linked to the thread in question , i called the CM a weenie for the response and a few posts later said CM popped into pointlessly clarify something for no real reason other then to go “I’m here and aware this thread exists.”

Or maybe i’m just cynical


You’re confusing incidents. It happens a lot, i don’t blame you.

Cannibal was publicly shamed by a CM for the drug thing. He asked a question, and they accused him of trying to “lawyer his way out” of the situation. For pointing out that the rule isn’t written anywhere and makes no sense.

What you mentioned was when we were talking about how the CMs are extremely abusive and/or unwilling to help people actually in need of help. Then the CM posted some snark, and vanished again.


Well mixed up or not.

I stand by my opinion that he’s a weenie.


Pretty sad that we have to discuss, not THE time, but WHICH time a community manager was openly rude to someone.


Mogo once hear about crystal ancient mana abusers.


Bunch of mana addicts, those people. But not me, my discipline is iron!

Oh, mana crystal! Just a sec.


It seems like they haven’t posted in about 7 months, so I’d be surprised if they were still with Blizzard anymore.

Or maybe they got promoted into a role where they didn’t have to interact with customers. Who knows.


I’d literally never seen her post before her one-time sassy comment and storm off. Insane as it is, it’s perfectly possible she’s still employed without having posted in 7 months.


I don’t. I see it in-game, and I’ve always considered WoW to be more of a NC-17 / R-rated type game. I mean, in the glory days you could stomp an opponent, spit on them, sit on their face repeatidly, and then even drop a flag of ownership.

So, the violence outweighs any silly stigma about drug use in my opinion. Though I try to stick to the more medieval style, dungeons & dragons type. So, being a drunkard is awesome in my book. Sitting in the recluse for hours on end, vomiting over people as a result of too much mead is awesome.

But who knows. To each their own.

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This oddly reminds me of a player I once met who was so vehemently, angrily anti-drugs (drugs of any kind, mind you, including benign medicinal sorts) that he not only would fly into a tantrum upon seeing any reference to drugs in roleplay, but condemn the players perpetrating them as scumbag low-lives fit only to ridicule.

It was wild stuff. Needless to say he wasn’t a super popular guy before long. And anyway I can’t wrap my head around the logistics of… these stories featuring magically powered despots supermurdering the absolute dickens out of entire civilian populations… but drug references just aren’t cool.



Remember kids. DARE to resist demonic narcotics.



I don’t. Why would someone want to “roleplay” doing drugs?

Drugs are bad. No, no, no. Just say no!

My opinion on drug use in RP is about the same as any other RP.

There’s good ways to do it and bad ways too. I have a friend who RPs someone trying to get off of really addictive and destructive drugs.

Seeing their struggle in RP feels like the substances are having an effect on them. It makes me feel for them, and care for them, and to know that anything could be a slip up for them and send them spiraling back.

Then there are those who use drugs all the time with their character because they want to be edgy and want to live the fantastical, romanticized life of a criminal rather than the life of an actual criminal who is addicted to drugs; addiction, withdrawl, aggression, bad decision making, and losing any other prospects in life.

There are good ways and bad ways to RP it. If you RP drugs to never had negative or bad effects, you’re either using “Contrivium” (AKA “this substance gives me 10000% benefits and pleasure and never has any drawbacks”) or you’re just bad at RPing drugs and you need to stop.

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lol. lmao. also this thread is from over three years ago, weird bad mog off realm male night elf hunter