Drowning Skip For Night Elves--Confirmed

Just did it on the Beta Stress Test Server. Drowning yourself in the second-dip west from the Theramore boat, at Menethil Harbor. You’ll know you’re in the right spot when you get the zone identification of “Dun Morogh”.

Drowning yourself here will put you at the Kharanos spirit healer, as opposed to the Dwarf/Gnome starting Zone, by comparison to some private servers.

It’s quite the swim…obviously, but not dangerous as all. Didnt have a single mob path on me during this run at lvl 1, and still shorter than running through wetlands.


I wonder if it’s faster than running at level 12~ or so. I imagine it will be, but I’ve never really had a bad time with the run.

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Even by swimming, it’s about half the distance than the run through wetlands alone. Not even counting the run down through Loch Modan. You’ll lose the Flight path there of course…but it’s a lot faster.

That might be a better choice, if I decide to go to Westfall or Loch Modan instead of Darkshore… though I imagine I’ll want to go to Westfall in the mid 10’s purely for Westfall -> Redridge and possibly Deadmines.

Thanks for the confirmation!

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Was actually really curious about this. Many thanks, my friend.

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Yeah i plan on only comin to Westfall around 17ish. There’s a rough exp gap, if you’re only questing, around 15-18. Only a few quests, depending on how many Thresher corpses’ you’re capable of getting near the packs of Murlocs. Westfall, and the Defias quests, are a good supplement.

I plan on questing through Darkshore, just due to sheer volume of players. There will be a lot less people in that zone, as opposed to Elwynn/Westfall

Horde? I wanna swim over there to get an owl, just for shts and gigs

Not sure how that would work in reverse. This was merely for the skip for night elves wanting to get down to Iron Forge quickly.

You could probably run from Undercity and sneak onto the boat, if not run through Ashenvale and sneak onto the boat there. It’s outside the town, so other than one or two deaths you should be able to make it - unless some angry Alliance show up.

Can actually make it to Westfall if you go further south. This was normal during classic.

Shorter, and more lame.

yeap, it’s definitely more fun getting chain murdered by crocs and spending 3-4 times the amount of time running back to yoru corpse only to get murdered again.

You obviously have a different idea of what fun is to what I do.

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I meant it more as a joke, I don’t mind people taking the easy route even though I think shows a lack of adventure.

There’s a lot of stuff in old wow that wasn’t fun, but was worth doing. I think that’s one of the main differences between old and modern games; it wasn’t all about giving the player positive experiences.

That sounds like pure masochism.

Yeah, possibly :sweat_smile:

Yup! But i found it better to just grab the Flight paths for IF/SW on my way down

Hello everybody

I can confirm that the swim from Menethil works. I have done it twice in a couple of days. You can wait till the Chat changes to either WestFall or Stormwind, and then drown to die to speed things up. If you want to survive intact, keep swimming to Westfall but be prepared to deal with the Murlocs on the beach. Fatigue is not an issue, stay out of the darker colored water, or make sure you can cross it before your fatigue bar runs out.

On my rogue, this took just under 30 minutes. AT times I did use sprint on the shoreline to speed things up. Swim potions or walking on water would also speed things up.

Have a great weekend and happy adventures!