When you realize all the 14 year old girls you sapped are now legal. Unfathomable.
oh no big ooof
Miltonious here, we were shadow priest badasses together during BC, right?
Miltonious, alliance priest. Played in Dog, CDM , BiA, and LE for awhile.
CdM through Karazahn (Shoutouts to Aer, Angelkevin, Trappist!, and Laufeia)
DoG with some great kills in BC… Lady Vashj first kill… Ilidan first kill.
I had a macro /target (nearest druid) /whisper “Innervate Please”
Loved being shadow in BC through BT, with some serious shadowbolting locks.
Played Under the Name TREVELYAN, GM of Reign In Blood
Oh shoot, is this Highsun as in Highsundevil, as in AGM?
Also, holy crap is this Integra also of Gurubashi/AGM??
Highsundevil? If that’s you… I know you! I forgot which character I played with you on. Maybe a gnome named Speedee? Anyways we met up and always tried to go places we weren’t supposed to through wall jumping and such if I remember right! My main was Oxfrodoxo (Yes the shameful original name). xD
OMG I recognize Tybalt and Muffsmagoo whom was perhaps in our guild. I am sure I spoke with Sieffor much after Vanilla as well… perhaps in WOTLK. I noticed his armory character wasn’t top level and I forget if it was 80 or 90 but… he might still be alive. This is crazy I remember levelling my first character and joining Wanted Dead like not long after level 10 and this would have been in 2005. I am playing on Whitemane on Horde (who I mostly play now), as well as Fairbanks Alliance with a human warrior tank at the very least, for nostalgic reasons. I am PVP-focused these days as well, so I want the best ping I can get (as a Canadian lol). What server you playing on? and if you know how we can say our BTAG names in a private place we should get on that! I don’t use these forums much and never have.
Yup! I was like lvl 12-13? when Yajsmada and myself were asked to sign the charter as we were entering Stormwind again for one of the first times. The guild was big for a little while. I remember us raiding Deadmines back when you could do that.
BIG OOF, M8. Going to be playing Alliance there. You on the server discord? See you on the battlefield! xD
I will shoot you a mail in-game to Vanillaman.
What is the link for this server? Yeah I have Vanillaman reserved on Fairbanks so if nothing else message me on there. Lol this is funny though it will be the ultimate rivalry on Whitemane, what is your main’s name and class? I swear this will help me pick a main once and for all. I will almost certainly be a rogue though… named Fomucker (unless I am forced to change names), or a Shadowpriest/Warlock named Nutcase.
I think I was there for one of those DM raids maybe? xD I remember around level 40 I spoke with the guild quite a lot.
Oh, I sent you one on live/retail. To the character you’re posting on.
Character name was Unmageman, human mage. Played on Draka for a long while leveling up my mage but also created Unpallyman, human paladin later on to fill a role as tank/healer when BC came out. Would love to reconnect if anyone remembers me.
Knew I’d find at least a couple Brave Companions people on here.
I played a gnome rogue named Phantom and raided with Brave Companions for quite awhile during vanilla, part of the rogue core with Icetalon and Savy. So many memories of running BWL, AQ40, even a bit of Naxx iirc. Moved on to other things after BC and raid healed as a shaman during WotLK.
Might dip back in for Classic (though I’ll be playing later in the evening).
yeah lol good times
It’s crazy to be hearing from you guys again after all these years. Do you plan on playing classic? Is anyone else of the old group still around? I’d love to play with you all again.
I feel a little guilty clouding up the whole realms forum for a personal conversation…Gregl made a discord channel for old draka discord.gg/UcApeKV ( Elfzhen #6419) if you’re interested.
It would be nice to catch up with you guys.
I’ll probably play off and on when I have time I think on whitemane with some irl friends
Wrong character lol
Same character here - Thade. I was in the MarlboroMen for all of vanilla and moved to Ravenloch in BC.
Hey Fritus! Not sure if you remember me. Can’t recall if it was PVP or MarlboroMen. I remember when you got exalted with darkmoon and got the neck, haha.
Shout out to:
- Silviasaint
- Bloodmen
- Blinki
- Demonatrix
- Ruby
- Varthil
- Handsomeone
- Defaca
- Perpetuity
- Flex
- Greenbaniac
- Hamada
- oolox & Xoloo
- Razctek
- Theballs
- Tukuru
I know there’s many more. I tried looking at my friends list to jog my memory, but several names have random letters/numbers.