Dragonwrath acquisition time 10m raids (GREAT NEWS EVERYONE)

Breakeven point at 40% of the raid having one is between 18 - 24 weeks. Before that 25 mans has the better ratio, after that 10 mans pull ahead. Absolute staffs are higher in 25 man, but it doesnt really matter.

/shrug he literally agreed with me, he just took exception to the word bribe.

It’s not overly incentivizing when a 25-man raid has 2.5 times more players and three times the number of casters in their group; it’s called balancing loot distribution. Why would anyone want to run a 25-man raid if only two pieces of loot dropped, while a 10-man raid drops two pieces of loot? That makes no sense.

Right 25 man has 2.5 times as many players that would be 5 pieces of loot if 10 man drops 2 pieces.

so what ur saying is 25 man should get 2.5x as many staffs? alright i think we’re on the right track here

In a 25-man raid, five pieces of loot are dropped, except for tier bosses, which drop tier loot as well. If Blizzard aimed for fairness, they would set the 10-man raids to take 2.5 times longer to craft the staff compared to the 25-man raids. Therefore, if it takes an average of 6 weeks for a 25-man raid to craft the staff, a 10-man raid should take 15 weeks (6 weeks x 2.5). However, they are completing it in 9-12 weeks.

The biggest issue with the staff is how they’re time gated, so sure if it took the same amount of time in 25 man but then 3 staffs dropped that would be fine.

I did the math already on anther post but i guess i can do it here for you.

Bad luck 10 man staff (1st staff taking 12week and each subsequent staff member taking 4 weeks.)
1st on takes 12 weeks
2nd is made on Week 16
3rd one is made on week 20

Good luck (9 week for the 1st and then every 3 weeks for each one after that)
1st staff made week 9
2nd staff made Week 12
3rd staff is made week 15

That gives you an average of 17 weeks to make 3 staffs

a 25man will make 8 staffs in 17 weeks!!!

I meant more like the fact you couldn’t link a source and how this is the same loot that was in original cata that you claimed wasn’t.

Or the discussion above that called out differences that makes 25m harder even down to kicks.

You just came back in and ignored it all lmao.

24 weeks so somewhere near when mop launches 10m pulls ahead? lol

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It’s important to slow down and explain things step by step. It’s similar to how your math teacher told you to “show your work.”

Lol, you really think MoP is going to launch? With the way the devs are treating Cata?

Firelands will be out through Dragon Soul, and the staff is BiS, so many guilds will be running Firelands while doing Dragon Soul just because of how good that staff is. There is no weapon that surpasses it in Dragon Soul.

Besides, you might be better off worrying about clearing normal before you worry about getting a legendary if your guild would even give it to you

I agree with this, 5 months in Firelands until Dragon Soul is released might be too long. If the only reason why they are extending the Firelands phase is because of the staff, I think the player base is going to get burnt out on the same 7 bosses for a phase of that length, and the pressure some guilds will be under to continue to run Firelands after Dragon Soul is on farm.

This is a more valid reason than being stuck with P1 for nearly six months without any reason other than “ZA/ZG was a phase.”(The developers clarified in an interview that it is not considered a full phase.") At least the staff is utilized throughout the rest of the game and is beneficial to every raid.