Dragonwrath Acquisition Rate Adjustments - Updated Nov. 4


Since announcing our tuning adjustments to the acquisition rate of the legendary staff Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest in Firelands, we’ve been listening to your feedback, particularly about the acquisition rate for 10-player groups.

Upon further review, we’ve decided to increase the drops of Eternal Embers, Seething Cinders, and Smouldering Essences across both 10-player Normal and Heroic difficulties, so that the speed of acquiring Dragonwrath for those group sizes will be drastically increased.

We now expect:

  • During a 12-week period, a 25-player raid killing all 7 bosses in Firelands each week can expect to fully assemble 4-6 Legendary Dragonwrath staves.
  • During the same 12-week period, a 10-player raid killing all 7 bosses can expect to fully assemble 3-4.5 Legendary staves.

Please keep in mind that multiple staves can be assembled simultaneously, with up to 3 players collecting the different materials that drop from each boss.

UPDATED November 4

We’ve heard your feedback loud and clear! We’re happy that you’re excited about the recent changes to 10-player Dragonwrath acquisition rates and we want to address those who prioritize 25-player groups. We’re are increasing the acquisition rates of all quest materials in 25 Normal and Heroic difficulties:

  • During a 12-week period, a 25-player group killing all 7 bosses in Firelands each week can expect to fully assemble 7.5-11.25 Legendary Dragonwrath staves.
  • During the same 12-week period, a 10-player group killing all 7 bosses can expect to fully assemble 3-4.5 Legendary staves.
  • Acquisition rates in 25-player raids are now approximately 2.5x faster than those of 10-player raids.
  • The updated acquisition rates previously mentioned for 10 player raids are the same.
  • We’re adding a second guaranteed mount, the Smoldering Egg of Millagazor, to 25-Heroic Ragnaros.

Thank you for your feedback. We hope you’re enjoying Rage of the Firelands. We’re looking forward to the launch of the Firelands raid next week!


R.I.P. 25 man.


What a terrible decision. Can’t wait to see 25 mans break up over this and more people quit.


while you’re at it can you give 3 extra items to 10m groups as well? i mean if you’re gonna kill 25s at least do it properly


Why is 25man dropping 5 pieces now instead of 6? is this nerf intentional too.


I might be a complete idiot but why is it not a simple matter of both raids having the same amount of drops proportionate to their size? If 10-man gets 4 DTRs then 25 man should get 10. Otherwise whats the message here.

I get that you want to appeal to 10-man raid sizes and you SHOULD but how is this not a matter of simple math someone please help me figure this out. If 25-man was getting 7 drops in T11 then why wasnt 10-man getting 3? Just… do that.

Maybe Blizzard doesnt know that 25 man is 2.5 times bigger than 10 man. Just give 10 man an appropriate number of drops as they always should have, and multiply that by 2.5 times for 25 man. Got it figured out for you Blizzard.


Ah yes the 10 man raids will be fully done with staves while not even half the 25 man caster raid roster is done. Very logical changes.


I think more of the feedback that was given, if I had to summarize, was that both 10m and 25m staff rate adjustments were needed, not just 10m.


I’ve been calling for some 10m changes to make this better for them but this seems a little overkill, imo.


YESSSS. LETS GO! Thank you for listening to the community.


Now where are the 2-3 usual names owners and masters of the truth at? they were saying so much about 10 man… :man_facepalming:


Fact is there’s more 10 man guilds than 25 man. They will cater to the one that has a higher amount of players doing it.


People love to complain about everything. Even if it is a good thing.


(this is coming from the pov of a person who is running a 25 man guild)

I don’t really like the changes because it incentivizes running 10 man, its kind of weird because any buff to 25 man staffs is gonna make this staff more common than valor boots, which probably isn’t the intention.

I’m not completely sure the ramifications for 25 man guilds, i suspect we’ll see less of them but time will tell. I don’t think its some end of the world thing for 10 mans to be getting staffs, in my opinion they have been getting screwed on loot in general, 2 drops is too few. At least they have this going for them now.

I think its probably a little too much in 10 mans favor but i’m sure you’ll get enough angry feedback without me adding to it in any long winded way, the math doesn’t really check out


yeah man why not make the raid with easier mechanics that is easier to fill that have much less ratio of caster dps also give way more relative progress to the best weapon of the game, that’s just a good change and certainly wont break 25 mans

10 man should have never been put on the same level as 25 man, its what killed cata the first time around


Now a 10m with good RNG can out build a 25m with bad rng.

I hope someone at blizzard puts their thinking cap on to see why that’s bad.


Joyous Journeys Bug or actually done for?


man this is one of the worst changes i’ve ever seen blizzard do to classic.
worse than the early t5 nerfs imo, just giga dumb to punish 25man players with less rewards even tho it requires more effort to organize and keep afloat as a guild.


This is the best decision Blizzard ever made to CATA classic! I fully endorse and support the idea on making more people aquire the Dragon Wrath staff.

Cataclysm is the only expansion that promotes end game content with a smaller group size, i.e. 10m. Retail population has already proved people love smaller group sizes if you compare the amount of people doing M+ vs raids.

Please advertise this classic expansion emphasizing the changes to 10 man raiding, and maybe people who had good memories with it will come back and play.


Finally some cata news to be excited about!!

Great pacing, now all 4 of the casters on my team will get it

Edit: lol at 25m somehow being punished by a 10m only change.