"Dragons" are actually real

I mean, I am one irl. Its just that its hard to use my claws on the keyboard, sometimes. Anyway, glad that you believe in us being real, OP. Do you know what our fav. snacks are?! :nerd_face:

I saw the title scrolled down but I wanted to scroll back up and say Dragons are not real… if they were than we would have found their bones somewhere…by now

dragons were most likely bones that they found.

what they all have in common irl, is reptiles with wings is in majority of human cultures.

oh I know, I just want to know if anyone made the WRONG choice for ya know . . . reasons . . .

pledge my loyalty

. . . to Paarthurnax . . . riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight?

And then there was Puff, but he was a Magical one…