Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Most exciting part of the expansion, honestly.

Take that as you will.

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Why is this still active a year and a half later?! :rofl:

This post aged like milk…

Dragon riding is, of course, a great idea and a huge success.

Wonder if OP is still upset and grumbling


It still isn’t. It causes motion sickness and is difficult for some players.

IF you like it, great. It shouldnt be a baseline part of an expansion.

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My guy. You can’t hold your mouse still and press 2 buttons? One for up and one for forward?

If you can do the combat aspects of this game, you can dragonride.

You’re just making excuses for a reason to be angry about something.


But only some.

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Some is more than enough to not make it default and required.

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You sure your class is mage and not necromancer?

I hear it’s not fun for blind people either…doesn’t mean it wasn’t a huge success.

I know several people who easily get motion sickness from playing video games, especially 1st person games…none of them has a problem with dragonriding. It must be a tiny tiny minority. Yes, it sucks for them, and they have my sympathies, but let’s not pretend that prevents dragonriding from being a huge hit.

Wow, your anecdotal totally not made up evidence has swayed me to your way of thinking!

Or not. Just because you like it, doesnt make it GOOD. Im glad you like it. Myself and others dont. Im not asking for it to be removed, just not forced on us as the only option.

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Oh Sweetie, we both know there was no chance of you coming around to my way of thinking… :kissing_heart:

I do happen to like it, but that was never my point. My point was it was a very popular and successful feature. Your arguments hold no weight against that. Of course there are people who don’t like it, they are a small minority of the overall playerbase, clearly. Anecdotal and totally not made up evidence and all that…

It literally wasn’t tho. There is a big split. Ignoring all those who dont share your opinion might make you think youre right, but youre not.

(edit) This is like arguing with star wars fans. Each side thinks the other is wrong and obtusely mental for thinking how they think.

If you enjoy dragonriding, great. I do not. Others do not. There cant be a consensus reached because we are not all the same.

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I can’t figure out why this is even a discussion still.

Both forms of flight will exist. More mounts will be usable as dragon riding mounts.

I don’t see any issue anywhere here lol


if that is true, then there will be no issues. I hope youre right!

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Did you not watch any of blizzcon? They had a whole section in the powerpoint about how both forms of flight would be available. Dragonriding is available at 70 and BC flying becomes available at 80 after you finish the story.


This is by far some of the most likes I’ve ever seen on a post on here, and it’s one of the absolute worst opinions I’ve seen on here. This is wild.


Odd how you felt the need to misrepresent what she wrote. She says she hates it, and you immediately accuse her of being THE problem with the game. Do you go around in life telling everybody who doesn’t like exactly the same things you do in exactly the same way as you do that they’re bad at life?

Let me guess. To unlock normal flying it will be necessary to master and use dragonriding to access content that will be inaccessible without it.

Let me make a dark guess: Non dragonriding will not work in underground content.


It shows how diverse the topic is. DR is not as successful as ppl think it is.

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It’ll probably be slower if you ground run instead of dragonride, but they said you just have to complete the main story.

Nope, it’ll work everywhere dragonriding works

Yeah, remember when everyone quit the game this expansion over it? Oh, whats that? Subs went up? Weird…

You are adorable btw.