Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Agreed, I’ll be sitting this expac out just over this. What a horrible idea, don’t want to figure it out it’s so stupid.
Edit: It’s not so bad, there’s a mechanics to it & using updrafts, doing dungeons forced me to it:p I still got to learn the intricacies.


Dragonriding is awesome! It’s the absolute best part of the Dragonflight expansion.

Finally, flying actually feels like flying. Old-style flight feels like I’m swimming through molasses in comparison.


Go sit in the corner and think about what you did.


I did, I had to get some glyphs, quest a bit & practice:/

I don’t ride normal mounts anymore but I ride them only when I am doing a quest or looting treasure boxes etc. you can use both mounts whatever the situations you need smartly… I don’t find any inconvinient using dragonriding… honestly it is much better than normal but we need both I am sure…

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I like dragonriding and am really happy that I can use it in other parts of WoW now. The best part is I can still open my mount journal and get my flying mount or ground mount out and use them if I want to.

I like being able to have choices. Choices are good in all aspects of our human experience.

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Dragonriding has ruined regular flying for me. It now just feels slow and boring. Earlier in the expansion, I would hate going back to old world because I could not just hop on my faster mounts.


They work best when used appropriately. Regular flying for “quests in the area” or when you’re actually doing some WQs. Dragonriding for traveling from the city to wherever you’re going.

Having both is truly great.


Well for some people is huge fun. I am 50/50 …
But please don’t take the idea to Ground Mounts … I don’t want my Camel to run out of oil :flushed: or worst GAS :joy:

I really hated dragonriding when I first got it, the glyphs should either be reorganized or some should just be unlocked by default. Flying feels great once you have the increased vigor gain while fast flying, but before that it’s pretty awful

as long as they don’t remove static flight, i don’t care. i HHAATTEE Flight Simulator as flying - are you telling me my stupid dragon can’t do its most basic instinct, FLY, unless i tell it how? it’s content to slowly fall to the ground unless its rider says “hey stupid, flap your wings”?

the no hovering is also terrible for when you’re trying to find some overly camouflaged cave/node/mob, as well.
and they suck for short distance flights.
as for the “but they’re faster!!” argument? their speed AND ZONE SIZE were increased. we’d get from A to B in the same amount of time on a 310% mount in an older zone. it’s not the time saver you think it is unless you’re in an older zone, and few of us are.

the lack of precision also isn’t fun. try doing an immediate 180 on a DR mount. you can’t, you have to make a huge loop instead.

i get that people love it, more power to em, they just better keep static flight as an option.


Necro’ing threads is bad m’kay.

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Wrong. Unlocked all glyphs/upgrades and still hate it.


Well this post didn’t age well.

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That’s just a skill issue at this point. If you STILL can’t dragonride this late into the expansion when you’ve been doing it the entire time, then that’s literally a you problem.

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My money is on, IF Ion can get away with it, old flight would be gone tomorrow, lol.
But yeah, both sorts have their advantages and disadvantages.
If every player loved DRing, I wouldnt be adverse to the idea of old flight being removed ASSUMING ALL of my flying mounts still had flight, lol.
But thats clearly not the case.
Some players have real issues with DRing so they should have old flight as a option

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lmao…wrong son…you somehow miss the disability sorts posting in here for 18 months about it? lmao
Old flight requires ZERO motor skills…entirely NOT the same as DRing which does.
Someone who can easily use old flight isnt always going to be great with cheap flight sims.

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some do.
motor skills are bad.
vision is bad.
motion sickness (like my wife)

there are a list of reasons why a FLIGHT SIM might not sit well with some players.
Hell, my ex brother in law would vomit on the keyboard if he tried DRing. His motion sickness is top notch, lol

The FACT that blizzard has made it better with motion sickness settings is CONCLUSIVE PROOF that this ISNT just a ‘skill issue’ as some claim lol


I love DR.
I love Reg flight especially for gathering.

They offer both now
The end