Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Yes I do suck st dragonriding and proud of it!!!


just because youre not good at dragonflying doesnt mean that the system itself sucks


You can park in the ground with the benefit of moving around the world alot faster.

I don’t understand what is so complicated about dragonriding. At this stage of the game in any other expansion you would still be in the ground. Instead you are flying at 1,000% speed but people want to complain because they cannot take a dump at 500feet.


There we go, fixed and much better!

you are just bad at dragonflying

which is ok

system is fine


That’s because Blizzard hires the dumbest people from the forums to run this game. It’s no shock the devs hate anything that makes the game easy. It’s no wonder Mythic teams have devs on them.

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How does vigor make sense with my turbo-charged flying machine?

(This isn’t an argument for, or against, dragonriding. Just nitpicking your comment.)

Your wonky flying machine will explode if you overheat the engine.


Getting so tired of using the same mount in Dragonflight. Just want to use the mounts I actually like, but ground mounts are not viable in these gigantic vertical zones.


Ah I see we still practice Necromancy around here.

Then again the undead beaten horse has a better drop chance than Invincible! :smiley:

Dont see why we would need to ask for something to be put in game, devs there decide what gets in game.
I didnt ask for it nor wanted it, but now it is here and it is great.

What makes a Dragon fly 520% faster than your Turbo-charged Flying Machine?

Ooh. I like it. And Mimiron’s Head should have more vigor than a player-engineered one, because superior Titan engineering, and Xiwyllag ATV should have less, because you just know that jerk designed his with substandard safety regulations and quality control.

It really does suck as…it’s like a boer that keeps going down

Skill issue.

There is an ability specifically FOR gathering. I causes you to regenerate vigor much faster when gathering.

Devs need to be replaced asap

I managed to get okay with it. But I hate it. I miss my mounts that I collect, bought etc.

Dragons are just boring at this point. I got the skin from Rasz. It’s just blah now.


I just miss my other mounts.

They could at least add Dragonriding functionality to all the other drakes.

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I still prefer using my normal mounts to get around, but I will admit that I would probably find myself Dragonriding pretty regularly if it was available outside of Dragonflight zones. Despite my early criticisms and concerns, I actually find it quite enjoyable. I’m stubborn, but I’m okay with admitting when I’m wrong.


the fact that people can get the skin from lfr is mind blowing