Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

honestly i dont think dragonriding sucks at all, but I also think that there was no reason not to include regular flying in this expansion, while removing the ability to get DF tokens with a non dragonflight mount.
I think dragonriding is good for world pvp and dont have any real problems with it, but sometimes it would be nice to not have to micromanage my travel.


No, I don’t struggle with it, I just hate it.

Also, you clearly let that reference fly right over your head. Whoosh!


I hate Dragon riding with a passion. Can’t wait for Blizzard to understand flying. Let us fly for pennies at max level.


Better than flying? LoL. Can you park in the air and take a bio break?


It’s so much work micro-managing everything you do with dragon riding. Annoying as hell.


Definitely understand why some dont like it.
Personally I love DRing, but yeah, its not normal flight.
They need to allow both at this point. The Expansion has gotten along far enough that enabling normal flight now ISNT going to hurt anything.

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Dragon riding is just tedious work. Flying is just fun.


I pretty much agree with this. Everyone who has been playing has gotten to decide which they prefer. There was also that free trial they had recently so people could get their hands on it even if they weren’t subscribed.


Dragon riding is the most innovative/fun thing they’ve added in years.

The fact that you can just get it at lvl 60 and max it out in 30 minutes is amazing and the mechanics make me feel like I’m actually flying the dragon.


oh god yes. Im soooo bored when I have to fly my old mounts in Legion or whatever Im farming lol


And I’m happy for you! I personally want BOTH systems to exist because I know there are people who like dragon riding, even if I don’t


:point_up: :point_up: :point_up: :point_up:

Me too, I wish they would give you the option to make all your flying mounts operate the new way.

I wouldn’t have a problem with people going slower than me. I just don’t understand why some people would pass up the 800%+ speed for a hovering/310% speed mount.


Definitely on board with that.
I have too many mounts I love to just ignore them forever.
hoping they can figure out a way to at least make all the dragon mounts we already had use DRing.

It’s a difference of priorities when you boil it down. I don’t want to go fast because it’s easier to control and maneuver something that’s going slower. I also like being able to stop and just look at my surroundings from a birds-eye view. I think it was said somewhere before that it’s like whatever urge people have to sit out on a porch and watch a sunrise lol.


anyone that doesn’t like dragonriding is afraid of change and is likely a Classic infiltrator that wants the game to stay the way it was in the past!

I can’t speak for others but there have been quite a few instances when I would much prefer to have more precise control.

It’s frustrating to try to get to a spot that is just a slight bit out of reach, only to have the dragon launch at speed and overshoot. There’s no “slow” takeoff.

It’s frustrating to see a node pop up on the map and have to do a quick turn and corkscrew to hit the top of a narrow spire, or knife-edge ridge line. If you miss even a little, you have to come around and try again. (I know folks are going to reply to this one with “skill issue”)

It’s frustrating to not be able to scope out a landing spot or survey an area because I have to remain " engaged" with my mount or fall out of the sky.

It’s things like that which make the OPTION to use legacy flight in certain situations desirable.

Please note that nowhere have I mentioned the common “but I wanna AFK in the air” line, because that doesn’t really enter into it. I can AFK on top of a pillar or cliff just as easily.

Dragon riding is great at what it does best; fast travel.

For the other things, not so much.

Both it and legacy flight should be able to co-exist.


I can see this. Maybe they could add a hovering ability that costs 1 charge and lasts 30 seconds?

Or just give everyone both options.

Here a sugeestion once you unlock all the areas the vigor should go away!!!, and keep everything else…or when you complete the valdraxxan storyline.just get rid of the vigor…

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op rly sounds like a “im not good at dragonflying, so it sucks!!”