Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Just enable both forms. I hate that I have to babysit this new, innovative feature. Sometimes I just want to hover while I afk


I had it completely unlocked on the first day! It has been weeks since then and I am still angry every time I have to fly using this system! Honestly, I would rather have regular flying even though it is slower than fiddle fart around with this! I see absolutely no reason you can t have both. That way people that like to use Dragonriding can and those that don’t aren’t forced to endure it!


To each their own personality you can keep your Dragons as long as I have regular flying! To me, Dragonriding is an exercise in anger management for me as it makes me angry every time ai am forced to use it! I dragon ride as little as possible. I have spent more gold on flight paths since the expansion came out than I have since the original release! When I land I use a ground mount until I am FORCED to use a Dragon!!!


That is your OPINION! Many do not share your sentiments on dragonriding!


Dragon riding is awesome. I hope they replace normal flying for all zones and expansions with it. Seriously. It’s fun enough that I actually enjoy the travel aspect of the game now.
My vote is ‘yes’ for more dragonriding

I really don’t care if I can harvest mounted or not! Is it handy, yes it is does it outweigh the frustration I get from dragonriding? Absolutely not! I really DO NOT like the mechanics of dragonriding, and it gives me a headache from all of the screen distortions while flying! The headaches alone make me want to drop-kick dragonriding to the curb!

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I have all of the glyphs and I still run out of vigor regularly! If you are doing anything intricate and need to short-hop from place to place frequently you run out of vigor!


Yes! and dragonriding got old in 3 days! Give me regular mounts and regular flying! I don’t use drakes or large mounts in the other areas I fly in because they are too big, but now am forced to deal with a mount that I can’t stand to use, and a flight system that pisses me off every time I have to use it!


Dragonriding has a leg up on the griffon in that you can at least gain altitude. I do kinda miss the griffon’s giant swoop back up that you can do when you dive. I mostly use the skyscale anyway as I like that added precision. The griffon is super fun to play with, though.

I think what looks weird to me in comparison to Gw2 mounts is the animations. I do not expect WoW’s mount animations to ever be as detailed as Gw2, but it’s clear that they put some real effort into how these drakes move. Then, unlike Gw2 who has the rider share in the animations, they kept the rider on the back as stiff as a board. It looks so weird seeing this really nicely animated drake with basically what amounts to a cardboard cutout of my character sitting on it. :frowning:


Recharge in the air, don’t land with 0 or 1 vigor. 2 is enough to go infinite.

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You have to wonder if dragon riding would be as popular or defended by players if they didn’t go as fast as they do, if they limited it to the max flying speed people would be all over the forums demanding old mounts back.
It’s not the dragon riding that’s fun, it’s the speed that can do that people want.


I think dragon flying is a huge improvement overall

I will give you this though, it is really annoying to wait for vigour when you are stopping constantly. I keep hoping that they will add vigour potions.

That does not work for everything! I constantly run out of Vigor when I am gathering!

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imo the speed is the ONLY positive it has, and that was completely and arbitrarily picked by the devs. They could have made it be any speed, but they chose SANIC GO GO GO because otherwise everyone would realize it’s not fun


blizzard has a hard time distinguishing between challenging and irritating.

they usually err to the side of irritating.


I’ve never seen a single player take off from the ground in the most vigor efficient way possible.

It’s not double spacebar.

Leveled up Dragonriding with an honest effort to understand it is fun and a huge upgrade.

i love it, now instead of running circles in the main city while bored i just zoom go go

This is one of the 2 reasons I unsubbed. I have 100’s of flying mounts and not a single one can be used in current content??? That’s insane.


totally agree. This is pure irriation. So much so, I unsubbed.


My prefered mount is the little flying cloud. I like that I can fly and huge wings aren’t covering half the ground when I look down.