Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea



Dragon flight is the bomb and I LOVE it. Honestly just go get your glyphs and never look back.

They were correct


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Uh huh. You cannot farm herbs or ore indefinitely with 3 orbs nor 6 orbs. U will run out of vigor and be stuck on ground waiting on recharge.
It is quite obvious from the numerous posts for dragonriding not many if any gatherers within. Everything is well and good for you all but tough luck on the ones who gather mats for a living in game.



Only haters of dragonriding are the truly lame auto run enjoyers, bot supporters, bot scripters, or the skill-less

Dragonriding is superior in every way



Yeh should have just left pathfinder achievements in same as the last xpacs had. Right ?

Incorrect given - Bots are here again - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

As usual, don’t do your research and base your claims off of feelings rather than facts! Talk about skill-less but you have no notable achievements.



I love dragon riding and laughed at myself when I went to Jade Temple for a M+ run and realized I was banked my flying mount to speed it up and was like oh… crap wrong mount.

Yeah I do, if you can’t dragonride, your skill is absent.

Mr. Bigshot over here with the hidden profile… I’ll take my mage tower achievement on my rogue alt as a test of skill over the ability to dragonride, thanks.

I’ve got multiple KSM on this account I made coming back for shadowlands. Among others on my actual mains

Bit hard to take you seriously Mr. Auto run enjoyer when I can’t even verify if you’ve set foot in a +15 lol

Thats neither here nor there though, Dragonriding is still superior in every way

Not everything should be given to you on a Silver Platter, if you don’t like it that’s fine, but if you actually put the time an effort in to master it, Dragonriding is the best addition WoW could ever add, it’s fast it’s fun, and once you got it down it’s a breeze, (No pun intended.)


every dragonrider lover is as bad as hardcore raiders they never understand why someone don’t like it lol. i don’t see how any of you are in a successful relationship were 2 people like different things.


Here you go.

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Well, I’ve barely set foot in the Dragon Isles in the last two weeks because dragon flying is just too difficult to handle for more than a couple minutes at a time (medical issues).



Threads like these make me happy that blizzard doesn’t look at the forums.


Dragon-rider type flying should have been standard from the beginning.

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It was an inconvenience at first, but now I love zipping around at 830% speed. The whole of it hasn’t hindered gathering at all; if anything, it has made it faster, since I can cover larger swathes of land in shorter times to find what I’m looking for more efficiently.

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All these bots just mad. Lmao. You love to see it.

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At first I didn’t fancy dragon riding but after obtaining all the glyphs it’s been quite fun to be honest, now granted I still want regular flying to be a thing at some point but jumping from the tower where the dragon aspects are on and going directly down nearly breaking the sound barrier and boom on the ground in front of an afk player is priceless lol. I’d love to see some sort of dragon riding aspect implemented in druid flight form cause hey birds dive to.

Love the Gryphon from GW2 that this dragon riding is based upon…

But just ain’t feeling it in wow. Maybe it’s because i have a biased attitude for the devs due to their lack of humility regarding the origin of dragonflying.

Or because GW2 is more platform oriented than WoW and as a result just got a more satisfying feeling when moving around.


GR is the best thing WOW has done in a long time. A game changer literally. In the big picture of game development WOW is unique once again.

AT some point, I hope, we will be able to navigate the entire globe on our dragons.

Riding a flying horse is meh compared to soaring on a dragon. Not a bad way to get from point to point albeit a bit slow, but soaring on a dragon between two points, sometimes the ride is the journey. (WOW, do I own a Harley or what!)

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