Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Id literally only be okay with this becoming the norm IF at max level they added a way to attune to your dragon which removes the vigor. Allow us to fly infinitely with the new mechanics of diving and launching up in the air. losing speed mid air and falling is bs and not fun. having to go and find a high point to glind to a high point is annoying. The innovation is good giving us more options with flying, but to expect people to just have a dragon glider for the whole expac isnt gonna work for me.


Thank you for your mature thoughtful consideration for all players. I will agree that both old and new flying can (and should) absolutely cohabitate the game. Blizzard will make a big mistake if they take away old flying.


Both just need to exist cause it’s pretty evident some people love dragonriding and some regular flying and blizz needs to get over there obsession about holding normal flight off if they plan on keeping dragonflight cause I’ll never buy another expansion if they keep dragonriding and gate normal flying. I gave dragonriding a fair shot and hate it for reasons.


I think its best idea since xmog


woosh woosh

I was a complete hater toward it when it first came out but now kind of sad because I know it will not go beyond this expansion because it is a feature of the expansion and in wow dev speak that means like garrisons it will rot and die with that expansion. so yes it is a great feature but it is a disposable one.

Flight was gated at the launch of MoP, you’re still here.
Flight was gated at the launch of WoD, you’re still here.
Flight was gated at the launch of Legion, you’re still here.
Flight was gated at the launch of BfA, you’re still here.
Flight was gated at the launch of SL, you’re still here.
Flight is gated at the launch of DF, and you’re here.

Something tells me that if flying is gated when 11.0 launches, you’re probably still going to be here.


Dragonriding is not flying. It’s falling with style.

It’s a stupid mini-game that is actually the inferior method of travel as proven by the fact that it’s active and REAL flying is not.


i’d like a pathfinder option…
my dragon glider is away
as much of the time as possible…
i use flight paths and my extensive
fleet of mounts…
that the devs wanted to take me from 300
to 4…is dimly enigmatic…
they even twitched us a rare feldrake…
that we won’t be using this xpac…lol…
they’re either sadistic…or stupid…
i suspect the former.


Is this a riddle?

You’re out of your mind Dragonriding is way better than the old boring slow flying. If you’re doing it right you’ll never fall below 3 vigor. I can’t even stand to get on my old flying mounts in the old world.


Worst. Haiku. Ever.

I’m over Dragonriding. I’ve given it a chance. I’ve upgraded everything with all the bells and whistles and glyphs. None of that fixes just how jank this system is. The upgrades do not fix clipping through the ground. They do not fix automatically running off a cliff without user input. They do not resolve the disconnects. They do not improve precision. They do not enhance the use of vigor, especially for someone like me that lives in a rural area and is forced to use satellite internet. Most of the time, I can tell the drake to do something, but nothing ever happens, even though the required vigor has been drained.

Worthless rant over.


Do you really struggle with it that much lmao
“Falling with style” onlyvif you have no idea what you’re doing

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We can fly at the beginning of the game. How is that worse than being stuck with ground mounts and flight paths? if you want to fly the old way you’d be waiting months.

How can anyone think regular flying is better? Dragonriding is 100% the best thing they’ve added in years…insanely faster travel, a fun mechanic to mess around with, i dont get it, unless you pvp and are mad that you cant just fly up when ppl attack you I dont see how there is any argument that its far better. Max the tree out then fly around for awhile then go back to SW and get back on a 310% mount, you feel like you are barely moving its terrible


How can anyone fail to realize that everyone likes different things and what you may find easy and fun someone else may find it difficult or unfun not every person likes the same things.


Too bad OP didn’t learn this lesson before creating this thread.


Critical thinking isn’t very popular on these forums unfortunately, it’s more about vitriol.

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What a terrible thread.

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