Dragonriding Is A Terrible Idea

Sounds like someone who didn’t get all of the riding talents or is uncoordinated af.

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This thread is hilarious. Actually shocking how many people are so incompetent they cant even figure out this simple system and instead call it bad or hard or awkward. This may be the single best change blizzard has implemented since flying was first introduced and turns something boring and slow and lame into something fun and dynamic. Im sure the pvpers are loving this over the way old flying absolutely destroyed world pvp. Blizzard will bring back the normal style alongside DR for all the extremely low skill players who simply cannot handle it, and I will enjoy getting to my destination 2.5x faster than them and having fun doing it. Beats aiming my screen in a direction and going falling asleep before I arrive.

If you dislike DR, its a major skill issue. Maybe go play The Sims or something else more your speed.


It’s hilarious and it’s clear that OP did 0 work into Dragonriding. After getting all of the glyphs, I can’t remember the last time I ran out of Vigor. On top of that, all of my alts get full dragonriding? This has been great.


Dragon Riding kills the need for other mounts.

must you insult people who you disagree with?
dragon gliding has limitations…
to mention it is not drama…it’s reality.


What limitations exactly? The ability to hover and go afk? Those aren’t limitations, those are counters to lazy game play. You can gather just as efficiently, in fact faster. It’s an all around better system and should have been the way flying was implemented from the beginning.


With maxed perks, I don’t have any of these problems while gathering herbs

I’ve loved dragonriding so far :dracthyr_shrug:


Base flying starts at 150, I’m sure you’d rather have the 310.


I have done more mining and herbing than I have in years cause dragon riding makes it more engaging.


I like dragon riding… why do the peeps who do not like something in the game want it removed? Simple, if you do not like it… do not use it, completely your choice. Run around on your ground mount, wait for pathfinder to drop so you can fly and live your life… Me, I am riding my dragon with a smile!!!

Dragon riding is amazing. Once you upgrade everything, you don’t ever need to land to regenerate or anything, it’s an amazing system, hope it’s in the whole game soon.


I can handle disagreement. What got old long ago is the overly dramatic way many people present their complaints here. Very few actually offer constructive criticism. The OP here certainly doesn’t. If people offer constructive criticism I disagree with I’ll offer respectful counter arguments. If they opt for hyperbole and hysterics, I’m happy to call out drama queens for what they are.


Mine is maxed out and I’m constantly waiting for it to recharge, so I respectfully disagree. It’s awful.

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Learn to glide, you do not need to use any vigor most of the time, really only if you have to take off from the ground.

Seriously baffled at how people struggle with this. Dragon riding is shockingly simple. I saw so many people complain in beta that I got worried it might actually be bad.

With only 4 vigor I was able to collect all waking shores glyphs without ever touching the ground. It’s. So. Easy. If you don’t like it, it’s 100% a personal skill issue that you need to resolve.

I say all of this as some with congenital tremors who struggles to keep his mouse stable. So I end up wiggling a lot when trying to make snappy movements. And I still get gold on most races first try.


Then you’re doing it wrong. I can literally fly the breadth and width of the Dragon Isles without running out of vigor.


Others will have said this, but just in case someone doesn’t read to that point, I used to think this during beta, but once it’s levelled up, and you learn how to maintain vigor regeneration (not hard with a little practice), it’s actually the best thing for the game. Going back to old content where you set your mount and then go make a sandwich feels a little lame. Fly faster, farther, and with dynamic impact where you land. It’s pretty great.

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Sounds like a skill issue then.

Jesus. Some of you really struggle with basic mechanics…
It really is very easy, there’s nothing else to say.

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Christ almighty man watch a YouTube tutorial or something :rofl:
It’s INCREDIBLY easy to use effectively, you just have to apply a tiny amount of thought.

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