Dragonriding and Normal Mount Macro

Favorite your proto drakes along with your other mounts…when in a dragon riding zone it’ll use one of the proto drakes and in a non dragon riding zone itll use the other favorites.


Thank you, this is working for me for all mount types in applicable zones! The tooltip doesn’t, but I don’t care about that.

/cast [nomounted, dragonridable] Renewed Proto-Drake
/cast [nomounted, flyable] wen lo, the river’s edge
/cast [nomounted, noflyable] voidtalon of the dark star

This one is pretty good, but has a few flaws still. Like you said, the tooltip doesn’t change, which can be annoying, but also, it throws an error code if you use it outside of the Dragon Isles. The “nomounted” sections of the macro also seem to be redundant. And “#showtooltip” is automatic and not needed

This prevents the error messages from popping up:

/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide() C_Timer.After(0, function() UIErrorsFrame:Clear() UIErrorsFrame:Show() end)
/cast [dragonridable] Renewed Proto-Drake
/cast [flyable] Callow Flayedwing
/cast [noflyable] Blackpaw

I’m looking into ways to make the tooltip update, but there might not be room in the macro limit for it.

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All of these macros work even without [dragonriding] or [dragonridable]: those conditionals do not exist. In a non DF zone: the game ignores the non-existant conditional, attempts to summon a dragonriding mount, fails throwing the error, proceeds to attempt summoning the next mount in the list.

I’m using the following:
/cast [nomounted,flyable] heavenly onyx cloud serpent;
/cast [nomounted] cliffside wylderdrake;
/cast [nomounted,noflyable] obsidian vorquin;
/dismount [mounted];

Because the dragonriding mount comes after the flying mount, in flyable zones you will not get the error, but you will still get the error in ground-mount only areas.


Before dragonriding/dragonridable condition is truly usable, I think we need to use zone ids to determine the mount, like so:

 /dismount [mounted]
 /run local z,l,m=C_Map.GetBestMapForUnit("player"),{2022,2023,2024,2025,2026,2093,2112,2134,2135},0;for _,v in pairs(l)do if z==v then m=1563 end end;C_MountJournal.SummonByID(m)

1563 can be one of the following:
1589=Renewed Proto-Drake
1590=Windborne Velocidrake
1563=Highland Drake
1591=Cliffside Wylderdrake

0 in the middle means random favorite mount, you can find a specific mount id on the internet.

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/cast [bonusbar:5] Surge Forward

P.S. Just realized this isn’t going to help you – you wanted a condition for if dragonriding were possible, not for when you are already in it.

I’ll check it out, thanks
right now Im just using favorite mounts and putting DRing, normal flight and ground mounts in there.
Huh…maybe should toss the under water mount from legion we did the grind for and see if it’ll use that too.
no need for a macro really. just put some of each kind of mount in there and the Fav Mount thing works great

I have this for my mount macro for older zones:

/run local m,f="Black War Tiger","Invincible";if IsFlyableArea() then m=f end CastSpellByName(m)

Is there a way to smoosh (very technical term I know) my macro and yours together to get the same performance in older zones that I have now (which is if it’s flyable, cast Invincible, if not cast Black War Tiger) while casting Highland Drake in the new zones?

I’m confused. Can someone tell me what this is for and why?

I use a mount macro so that I can summon an appropriate mount depending on the area. Can I fly there? Summon Invincible. Not fly there? Summon Black War Tiger. Now I’d like to have a macro that does that, but only if I’m not in the DI, and if I’m in the DI, use the Highland Drake.

Basically, I just want one button to do it all, that I then keybind to a mouse button.


Or, and hear me out, you could set your favorites and use this:

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Okay, hear me out.

I don’t want random mounts. Each of my characters has certain mounts that they use. Random isn’t my style.


In that case, you can use this. It’s far better than any macro, you don’t waste a macro slot for every character, and you can create profiles for every character you have. You can also set a keybind for the addon and not have to waste an action bar slot.


Also, the Summon Random Favorite Mount only summons mounts you have set as favorites. So, if you only have 4 mounts set to favorite, one for each type, it’ll choose the appropriate mount.

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favorite mounts button will pick the best mount for the area you are in … so in dragon isles it will always pick the dragon mount. You’re welcome

Lustrois beat me to it

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Yeah, I was just looking at that addon, but even the first comment on the page (right now) is asking if the addon does this very thing that I want, and the creator says that the addon is pretty much overkill for just that. I’ll look at it further though.

The problem with summon favorite mounts function is that the favorite mounts list isn’t per character it’s account wide. That doesn’t work for my purposes, since every character uses different mounts.


shame there isn’t an easy way to use travel form in conjunction with this. Well…there is…but it requires dealing with the error messages that will arise from it. Which…also doable I think, but…just wish there was an easier way.

So currently it’s two buttons, one for dragonriding mount, other for my travel form outside, kitty form inside macro.

Don’t know why they didn’t at least add a conditional for dragonriding for macros.


This is my druid mount macro:
/cast [mod:shift] Mechanized Lumber Extractor
/cast [mod:alt] Highland Drake
/cast [mod:ctrl] Grand Expedition Yak
/cast Travel Form(Shapeshift)

It will throw an error if you press it with the alt modifier when not in the Dragon Isles then cast travel form anyway.

This!! Thank you so much. Works wonderfully.

You actually don’t need [dragonriding] or [dragonrideable] in your macro. Either one does nothing except give you an error message when you login.

It actually works just fine without any conditional. I use this:

/cast Cliffside Wylderdrake
/cast [flyable] Cenarion War Hippogryph
/cast [noflyable] Guardian Vorquin

It works perfectly, always giving me a mount appropriate for whatever zone I’m in.

Im using that now, but in the past its been really wonky acting which is why i switched to macros
IF it can behave itself, yeah, its the easiest way to do it.