DragonIsles talent issue

Am I doing something wrong? I’m not collectecting any tormented souls for the “Summon Soulkeeper” talent to use.

Are you killing actual mobs or at a target dummy?
I know it wont work at a target dummy. But I didn’t try it on actual mobs.

Actual mobs.

I wonder if the mobs have to at least be my level. Im testing as level 70 but can’t reach Dragonaisle currently from this Beta server.

You probably have to kill mobs that qualify as giving you experience.

You can make a 60 warlock template on the other 2 realms and do Dragon Isles.
You may already know that, but Blizz doesn’t do a good job telegraphing it.

I’d assume the mobs do need to “grant exp or honor”. Aka your level.

I’ve also heard it is bugged and a work around is to transmog to the legion artifact. Think i saw Kalamazi say it in one of his videos but it’s been a week or so.