
If there’s one thing we do here on the Wyrmrest Accord forums, it’s give detailed opinions at the slightest invitation.


We wait for invitations?


Excuse me, I haven’t forgotten who persuaded me to try Legion after I gave up on the game during the dog’s breakfast that was Wardads of Dadnor.

No regrets on that score, either, Legion remains my favorite expansion. Preordering Bofa after that in the expectation it would continue to be good was 100% on me, it’s not like I didn’t know what Blizzard was like.

Hello Azhaarder.

It’s good to see you again. Please don’t let a quiet Silvermoon speak for the state of RP - as with Dragonflight, there are many gorgeous zones and people are out in the world Roleplaying. At-home RP is now done in Orgrimmar Horde-side, though there are efforts to revitalize Silvermoon - though I believe there will be better luck when it recieves its due makeover.

There’s gonna be a makeover??

No no no, I mean until it DOES. God knows if it actually WILL

You can’t just do me like that, man.

You guys are getting invitations?


New quest came out this week for both Alliance and Horde. It suspiciously shows us that there is activity on Argus, so we go to find the Broken and some rebel Man’ari. They then give us the most important relic of draenei history, and then the quest line just ends.

We get some fancy draenei weapon mogs and new skin, eye and hair colors. But like… This isn’t a draenei quest. This is “Dear every player, this is an issue we have to deal with, please come to space again…”

As if it’s going to breadcrumb us somewhere…

So what else has changed fundamentally since mid-to-late bofa? I think I’ve heard there’s more cross-faction stuff? The new trading post is pretty sweet.

You can group up with folks on cross-faction, but you have to A) be on each other’s Friend’s List and B) I think it is only instanced content?

Haven’t really dabbled with it much due to the plethora of alts on both sides meaning I can just jump the faction barrier and help them out that way.

Cross faction guilds are in now. Though they come with some caveats. You can’t queue for random instances or BGs. Any achievements will go towards whichever faction the guild leader belongs too. A couple of other things that keep it from being a truly smooth experience letting cross faction friends just play the game together. But everyone still gets guild chat, access to the guild bank, things like that. It at least helps a bit in coordinating some cross faction RP, which is always nice.

You’ll only be friendly to each other – able to heal one another, able to trade – inside an instance, and you can’t queue for LFG content of any kind. For some reason, the sole exception to this is Timewalking raids, which you can make your own cross-faction group to queue for. I don’t understand why you can’t thusly also fill up a five-man party by yourself and queue for Timewalking dungeons. I wish you could.

Technically, though, you can be in a party in the open world, too, so to a limited degree, you can do open-world content with cross-faction friends. It has to be neutral content, and the only way you’ll be able to help each other is by killing mobs together – no healing – but it’s perfectly fine for leveling or worldquesting as long as you’re not doing faction-specific content. A friend and I have done some cross-faction co-leveling in Legion Chromie Time and not really had an issue. We even share progress on certain quest objectives – though not on some others, and I don’t think we figured out what the difference was.

Half-implemented features with random arbitrary restrictions? In my Blizzard game??

Have to say, sounds like the intended audience was YOU (and i) and maybe a few others like us. I also missed a bunch of expacs, so I have literally years of backlogged old stuff.

But I would say yes it’s a great purchase. Don’t listen to the boo birds, it’s a failure of imagination on their end because it is what you make it. Just like everything.

Dragon flight feels like a really good patch for another expansion, honestly.

Better than SL, but it’s feeling a little WoD in terms of lack of content.

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Ahhh the forum of public opinion. Too much content, not enough content, content too fast, content too slow.

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Well, I mean. Isn’t that what this thread is? Individual’s opinion on the expansion?

And I guess I should clarify what I mean by WoD content, we seem to be getting the same amount of content that WoD was giving us early on, but everyone is blowing through it.


Tell me you didn’t play WoD without telling me you didn’t play WoD :smirk:


Some of my achievements require things done at a garrison, as a Horde, is that the base in Arathi Highlands or the one in Darkshore?