Dragonflight, worst expansion of all time?

What is GD???

Someone wasn’t here for shadowlands

I’m inclined to agree with you on those 3.

Yes, if you ignore Shadowlands, BFA, WoD, TBC, and Cata.

MoP, Wrath, Legion….

I see no room for cata in top three, sorry :disappointed:

But it was a good expansion. Worst is WoD and it’s not even close

To be honest maybe alot of the people leaving have been playing wow for a fair long time and are just simply over it , no other reason
I was obsessed with skate boarding for about 5 years and all i thought about and did untill i just had no interest one day and havnt really done it since

SL had terrible world content until season 4, ZM was actually decent. So that argument isn’t relevant.

I can’t take anyone seriously actually trying to argue there’s nothing to do this expansion. You can just relax and play the game and enjoy yourself. It’s fantastic.

Subjetive. Legion ruined many specs, can’t be up there. MoP had actual button bloat with tons of redundant abilities and it caused the WoD prune, can’t be up tehre either.

TBC was a great expansion for its era, but I wouldn’t go back to it for anything.

Every expansion is always the worst one ever. Even the ones people have rose tinted goggles for.

Yeah it is. Every expansions world content since legion has been more and more downhill per expansion.

There’s nothing people WANT to do which is what people mean when they say that. Unless you want every single word you speak to be taken literally.

Enjoy what specifically, that I would want to do?


Do you believe everything people tell you? Is it worst for YOU or just going with the flow?

WoD was the worst. Then came BFA to take that title away from WoD. THEN SL came to take the title and remains with it.

DF is WONDERFUL compared to BFA and SL. DF is a solid expansion so far. Not many complaints here.

This conjured up images I was not ready for. The world is not ready for an Onlyfans dedicated for FF.

also, I find some of your comments extra amusing given that your character is named after a major FF dragon

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Lmao, I love FF/FFXIV I don’t however like people who only like FFXIV and feel the need to crap on WoW or vice versa.

Seems like a few expansions have been “the worst expansion ever.”

I dont hate DF but I really dont like it either. I am back on WOTLK Classic and enjoying it.

Ppl say they enjoy not feeling like they have to log in and play everyday and forced to do dailies.So it’s boiled down to pvp, mythic/raid logging, like the two world quest of dragon riding/ raft riding or the feast. Too much is locked behind rep grinds like professions and story line or time gated thru patches.
Imo this is turning into a dumpster fire of a expansion with more turning to older content or classic wow.
We should have a moment of silence for the ones who got suckered into the year subs


Not even close. Doomers coping hard this expansion.

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nah dumb take next post

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Pretty much hate every major feature of the expansion.

Hate the UI and the Programming 101 class project that is the UI editor. Bartender replaced that for me but there is no fixing the changes to crafting and its related UI.

The UI is ovesized for the task it supports. They destroyed my existing tools and make me replace them. The additional complexity reminds me of when they added expertise / resilience to the game to make high level PVP sourced gear less useful in raiding. Another thing that can only be endured is the return to talent trees.

They already failed in Wraith and were replaced for a reason. The weighted tree approach always forces me to chose something I don’t want in order to get to a higher level in the tree to get what I need. Plus they added too many game null passives. I have endured spec changes in the past and can adapt but then there is DR.

My biggest problem is that I just can’t use and truthfully do not want to use DR at all. I do not want transportation to be a mini-game like Ram Racing. On the other hand, I will not walk while others fly.

My sub runs out in April but pretty much have stopped logging in. If they give me flying mounts in the current content, I would likely return or I may just wait until the next expansion drops. However, if they make DR the default transportation mode going forward, then these is nothing for me here and I will not be returning.