Dragonflight, worst expansion of all time?

No, Shadowlands is the worst expansion in WoW’s history. WoD is extremely happy about that.

It is too early to tell how DF will fair. It isn’t off to a great start. But perhaps the developers have learned how to adapt and will make the needed changes before it ends up like SL did.


Stop trying to make fetch happen.

Take his Spiked Hair from him!

no i think the gnome meant WoD.

kiwi! you’re breaking protocol!
We’re suppose to pretend it doesn’t exist!

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OOPS! :woman_facepalming: I totally forgot! :grimacing:


Give it time…we are almost there.

I will always hate TBC because it was what killed off all of my original pre-BC guilds.

So far, title goes to either SL or WoD.

DF’s start so far is better than Legion’s start. Some minor things they could fix, but otherwise, can’t say its the worst yet.

Aside from World Quests not resetting every day because people are stupid DF is really solid so far. Easily better than SL and BFA at the very least.


The flood of Wrath babies has probably ruined the game forever. RDF was cancer and the game never recovered from it.

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No. But it sure is stupid to say that.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No, but not much better than the others. The posts are people that took the bait hoping the game has evolved. Sadly it’s just more convoluted with a different shell.


Definitely not, lol.

Dragonflight is amazing. I, and my family, LOVE it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Whatever expansion introduced Void Elves was the worse

Metacritic shows it is the best WoW expansion in the last three. If it were not for the massive amount of bugs it would a full point or two higher. But Bobby needs more gold on his boat so they fired the testers.

Right? Metacrotic also thinks wrath was NOT the best expac that ever came out, so lets not take anything they have to say to heart

“Thousands of quitting posts on GD”

More like 1-2 per week, which has been going on since forever.

DF is, so far, one of the best expansions. Don’t have to deal with legion legendaries, shadowlands everything, Azerite Armor level farms, etc. Not perfect, but it’s a significantly better experience.

I think you meant to say WOD

metacritic isn’t a metric of how good a game is.

it’s a metric of how triggered super specific internet subcultures are.

like for real The only time anybody ever hears about metacritic is when it’s review bombed for something