Dragonflight, worst expansion of all time?

SL has 2.4 rating on metacritic compared to Dragonflight which has 4.4 rating. Still lower than the previous expacs.

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I actually haven’t heard this during this expansion. It was common to point out low metacritic scores during BfA and Shadowlands.

It has an 81 score among reviewers and a 4.1 user score. Neither of these means much, since I could have voted even though I haven’t bought the expansion.

More like hundreds, probably fewer than Shadowlands, where the most common complaint was “this isn’t fun”. But the problem is that the reason people are leaving seems to be “I’m bored”, which may mean bored people who forget to log in are less likely to bother going to the forums. Complaints seem to be changing to “this gearing sucks”.

It’s way too early to say. But my definition of “worst expansion” is probably different from other people’s. I think the “best expansion” would be the one that grew and did the best job of maintaining its player population throughout the duration of the expansion.

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I would suggest that Cata and DF have much of the same problem. They were both overly ambitious and therefore incomplete due to time/financial constraints causing content cuts. WoD was bad for that was well with the additional problem of having no shared player hub.

And as bad as any of the past expansions have been, none of them made me quit, DF did.


In a world where SL and WoD exists, absolutely not. As far as quitting posts go, that’s nothing new. There will always be quitting posts just like there will be people in chat screaming “This game is dead”. It’s not really indicative of much.

i don’t know if you can say it’s the “worst”, but it’s definitely the one i completely lost interest in and quit the fastest. the roadmap doesn’t look good, either. i suspect when all is said and done, it’ll rank near the bottom for most people. a lot of the people arguing in favor at this point are still honeymooning or high on hopium.

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WoD is still worse.

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Half the player base left in WoD. Blizzard’s no fly policy almost destroyed the game.

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2/10. Too exaggerated.

I trust Metacritic as far as I can throw them. Everyone is a critic nowadays. IMHO Dragonflight is the best expansion since Wrath. TBH if people don’t like it then don’t play it. GW2 or other MMO is calling.

They’re really phonin’ it in on class balance. IMO.

People still just use Metacritic?
Lets take a look at some of the bad Metacritic reviews.

They also kept the same old and frustrating restrictions like racial segregation for playable races, despite claiming to be progressive with all the lgbt content. - 2/10

I think the less I say about this, the better.

A mediocre expansion at best, a rather underdeveloped game at worst. - 5/10 - Dec 5th

“Underdeveloped” they say. Their review came 7 days after release in a seasonally structured game.

Complete lack of any class direction.
Continual nerfing and so called balance based on what?
Gear upgrades in the expac are tied to time gated rep…
0/10 - Dec 8th

Seems they were just mad their class got a nerf.
No idea what they’re talking about in regards to time gated reps and gear upgrades.

Evoker is supposed to be a new race… yeah… no, it is a reskin. Not a new race. It is also genderless… for some reason. - 0/10

Where to begin… So… we aren’t allowed to choose male or female, while creating a character… - 3/10

Instead of virtue signaling and pushing their political agenda to the fullest, Blizzard should try actually making a decent game. - 0/10

:man_shrugging: Yeah. These are fair scores that have anything to do with the game play.

With all this said.
Lets assume Meta Critic is filled with level headed geniuses.
SL has a lower score soooo…

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Im enjoying it. It brought me back to wow after a long time and its a far cry from a lot of the annoying/boring garbage in previous expacs. The story in wow will probably never get to wc3 - wrath levels but with some creative writing (and keeping politics out of it) theres always the potential.

Oh, yeah. That totally doesn’t describe Cataclysm, WoD or SL.

Every expansion since Wrath there has always been a ‘xxxxxxxxxx worst expansion ever?’ post.

And the answer is who knows. They are always subjective so what is worst for you may be best for someone else.

Not even close. Prolly not even top 5 worst.

Really? TBC?

Who cares what metacritic says, and I’m on the forums almost daily. Thousands of quit posts is an extreme exaggeration.

Idk this expansion feels kind of like a free to play mmo without the predatory cash shop. I guess that’s a good thing in a way.

There are some things I like about DF. And there are others I hate with the fiery passion of a thousand suns (right now, that’d be all the M+ dungeons).

Yeah, great in its time, would never go back.