Dragonflight Twitch Drops: Earn The Feldrake Mount Now and Support a Streamer

Never got my mount been 3 days…


I thought I’d watched the 4 hours for the feldrake. But it’s not showing as redeemable on the drops page. Is it possible to extend the campaign?

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Same I didn’t realize the window was so short. Figured it was at least a week.

so is that a No on wrath classic?

I legitimately want to know why people hate “devaluing” this mount.

You can’t get it without having bought the TCG a long time ago.

No one whines about Event Pokemon Mystery Gifts being done ever since the DS, especially if it’s old otherwise event-locked mons. No one whines about (forgive me I know nothing about Yu-Gi-Oh rarity) Master Duel giving you certain old cards in their digital Structure Decks that could’ve been redeemed ages ago in a GBA game with the old game code on the bottom of the cards.
Why champion the value of an inaccessible item? Your need to champion how rare your item is is more important than actually preserving it? The fact that people WANT artificial scarcity is crazy to me.

You want to argue value? Make it hard to get. Or, if you’re gonna choke on your money as hard as you are, just say “should’ve been a store mount” because at LEAST there’s an actual price tag there.
Or how about this game has as many mounts as there are Pokemon by now, so ones that were actually in the game itself for over a decade don’t need to be this huge rare thing anymore when people farm old mounts like candy.

As someone that the mount was gifted to, before this. I have no problem AT all. All mounts should be attainable somehow. Just My OP

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I watched around 6 hours of content from a few different streamers and didn’t get the feldrake. I made sure I was logged in this time, as I didn’t when I tried the kite. Anyone have any ideas? Did I just not watch the right people or something similarly asinine?

Did the stramer have loot drops enabled. My husband watched madskizs. When I asked why him, My husband told me he had it enabled.

also there is a tab to clam the prize, on Twitch

The streamers in question usually have (!DROPS) or something like that to let people know they’re eligible.


I still haven’t received mine either or the Ichabod.

Yeah, both of mine that I watched did. I checked my drops tab and nothing’s there.

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When you did the pay subs to the streamer for the battle pet Ichobod were they streaming live when you paid for it if not you’ll have to do it again sorry to say.

I didn’t get my feldrake… just mail it to everyone why is this so hard to fix… its important, make it a priority


Please make another window for at least the feldrake. Thank you.

I got my FOMO welfare dragons, no way in hell im gifting any streamers a sub


Hope the decision on their part for this twitch drop doesn’t mean dragonriding is actually borrowed power and not going to be seen again after this expansion.

Did you watch? Did you have your account connected?

If you missed it, that’s your problem

Because people spent thousands.

I’m guessing you’d say the same if they gave away the spectral to other regions. Even though people spent anywhere from $3k-10k USD.
This is how it stays rare.

Something unique.

It’s still obtainable through eBay

Nope. 10 char

Maybe they should have invested the money more wisely? Thousands for a digital good is beyond extreme. Especially on a mount that uses the old drake model.