Dragonflight S1 Raid Participation is DOA

Then you hit greed?

Seems like a pretty obvious solution… LOL

I mean, you can not think that, but it is.

It may be to some folks I guess. Personally not a concern of mine.

Still random is random IMO.

At the end of the day, Blizz should definitely have both loot systems be optional or only pl for pugs. I’m just saying if they did decide to go all GL, I personally don’t see it as that much of a problem. RNG is still gonna hate me either way lol.

Some folks being most of the player base if we go by how well PL was received in pugging.

Nothing random about it. In PL, a pug literally can’t win more than a single piece.

In a GL setting, he can roll need on multiple.

It’s literally an added risk.

So can I. That’s an advantage to me just as much as a risk.

Sure, but under PL, you can trade with your guildmates without the risk of a pug getting all loot from a lucky streak.

PL is the safer method as soon as you introduce pugs. That’s just an objective fact.

I can’t even remember the last time we had a pug, so I’m not too worried about that.

You act like I’m arguing against pl, but I’m not.

This is great news, can’t wait to see tears from people that can barely scrape by LFR, though. Personal loot sucks, especially for mythic prog.

Same as group loot as well. No telling how many times I have seen 4 to 5 items drop and its all side grades at best… OR its gear that no one in the raid can use… ITS A BAD SYSTEM…

the best spec for raiding the first weeks is gonna be enchanter lol

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This is my plan now too if it makes it to live. I am rolling need on everything I can on any character. We’ve done this loot method before and it was screwed up horribly. So yeah need on anything you can. I mean we need the vendor gold right?

You mean the majority of wow players. They decided to cater to the top .0001% again, and they completely deserve the loss in player-base that arises out of it.

Have fun with the roster boss this tier, lol.

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Blizzard is try SO FREAKIN’ HARD TO BECOME RIOT. ugh.

They’re doing the same for Overwatch 2, trying to compete with CSGO and Valorant is just such a stupid idea without a new product. I feel bad for the people who just have to go with the design direction.

Blizzard: Overwatch will never be a successful esport. ever.

Similarly, mythic raiding in WoW will never be a profitable esport either, nobody cares anymore. Just hurry up and get bought by Microsoft.

Elitist Jerks Ion … has always been an elitist. He’s driven the entire game into the ground. Then is all … oh man … our causal playerbase evaporated … whut … don’t you like p2w tokens and dailies/chores till you puke?

tone def … don’t you guys have phones …
tone def … you think you do… but you don’t

Seems like modern bliz, always dooikies the bed.

It’s hilarious to try to make Blizzard games into e-sports, very cringe old guard still leftover making ship decisions investing massively into sunk costs. I have no idea why Blizzard is doubling down on trying to make their games competitive, especially since Overwatch has no zero ring anticheat and just a horrible casual game engine and are just shipping anyways!

Yeah Ion should have been “let go” a lonnng time ago. His design direction is legitimately shrik. Blizzard should flatout stop hiring Gen-X and Boomers, I’m not even kidding.

What’s funny is when Blizzard forced PL on us players people said it was catering to the 1%.

Then when they are thinking of taking it out it’s also catering to the 1%.

And you don’t see that as two different points of view, talking about two different groups of people … ?

Did i miss the funny part?

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The majority of wow players won’t be impacted either way, this is a positive change for mythic, and more or less neutral for everything else. If you think they’ve been ‘catering’ to mythic players these past few years, you are delusional.

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It seems positive, until you try and fill your roster or replace people. Gonna be big ol tears flyin.

I’m looking at tons of threads on reddit and mmo-champ and other places full of people that are done with raiding now.

Lots of people have seen this dog and pony show before, and we told them what would happen if they backslid.

So, no raiding this tier. Whatevs.

If you say so, you’ll have to forgive me not taking it seriously, these are the same people that whined about master looter and got that removed, after all.