DragonFlight released early!

Say whatever you want but it doesn’t change the fact that you’re wrong in so many ways and you just won’t admit it.

They have been balancing this game since pre patch for dragonflight and since then it’s still a work in progress due to many expansions of borrowed powers.

eyeballs the drust and hurriedly killed new villains in 9.0

Someone at blizzard yeah sure I would like to believe that but I know for a fact is a lie.

Oh so you think that you can play this game for free without money and not using ingame gold. You really are living in some fantasy land and making up alot of BS but sure say whatever because you yourself can’t even admit that you pay for the game with real money otherwise you wouldn’t have access to the game and it’s content and it’s forums.

DF was released because it would sale some copies. It was also a Beta for fixing what SL had done.

For PVP in SL

I think pvp gearing was a good idea, but it was just executed so poorly with how specs were designed and 3rd parties took it another level

They also designed games to be fast(bursty) because dampening in high rated arena. That is a small % that queues meta comps with healers…it is going to be long games…it is meta with healers.

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I do believe I said I pay for my sub with gold, which I have for years. And I didn’t say someone at blizzard. I said someone at Activision. There is a difference you realize right?

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Still, same answer.

So some guy got canned and is stirring things up trying to make it look like everyone else’s fault, no surprise there.

If this is the best they could get for classic wrath, no wonder it’s in trouble.

:joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: now don’t be jealous.

How am I jealous? when I know for a fact that you are lying about it online because you know you can’t prove anything with photos or any physical evidence of it.

But sure say anything you want I doubt anyone with a brain would believe anyone online with anonymous names and spreading falsehoods.

We will never know but look like it, everything look rushed. Even prepatch feels too short

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What it probably means is ABK forced the devs to crunch and take mandatory OT, overall DF felt complete at launch.

Rushed? Like how was it rushed? List 10 things that are rushed.

Because to me dragonflight doesn’t feel rushed and yeah sure it has issues that’s because this is a MMO every beginning patches will have issues it comes with the territory.

What I read was that he quit in protest and did not intend for it to become a public story, but then a news outlet got wind of it so he posted about it on Twitter to clear things up.


Once you have been employed for 30 days you are able to access the company store and after 90 days you are able to choose 2 free games.

2 free games per year through their company store like how you buy games on Battle.net, thats tied to their employee battle.net

you’re full of it :rofl:

whats wrong with overtime

They didnt even finished the primal fury event these suppose be available upon release. A lot feature are not in game until tomorrow. You sounds like a blizzard fanboy

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Guess what they felt that it wasn’t ready for live and so withheld it to 10.0.5 and also you should be thankful to have any content like at all.

Mn, I am not doing them. Why would I be thankful for them cant deliver contents. You need to go outside…


I do go outside and plus where I am at is night and also, if you don’t do them why should you even care like at all. Oh wait you just want something to complain about because you have disdain over the game.

Yes this is common across the gaming industry now. A lot of games are released when it isn’t ready. Execs are rushing out for their ROI and project deadlines without regard for how the coders and designers feel.

This is also why I’m so sick of AGILE methodology. I get that it’s to reduce risk, but it’s very soul crushing to some degree.

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