DragonFlight released early!

Regardless of any Twitter or whatever it felt rushed… You could just feel it


It obviously wasnt ready. This has been the worst/buggiest launch since WoD.

They’re still issues from beta unresolved. Vote with your wallet. Especially after patch. That’s what I’m doing.


Lmao yes it is. That’s why they give access keys to so many streamers. But white knight gonna white knight.


How is it rushed? Answer that question

Also, dragonflight eliminated all the controversial features and other negative aspects of the past and when they did that it freed up their workforce for more content via outdoor activities and group content and among other things. But sure lambast them and keep using the same shadowlands/Battle for Azeroth/Legion type of attitude and keep on labeling them as not listening when they are listening and paying attention to what we say and taking it into consideration and that’s what feedbacks are consideration.

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All those exploits that had to get hot fixed. The game crashing left and right at the beginning.

Nobody using craft orders.

I didn’t say it definitely was I said it felt rushed.

General Discussion Andy having a key would be a waste tbh

Oh really beta had a lot of people streamer and non streamers alike had access I have access to beta and I am not a streamer but sure say whatever you need too to justify your lame excuses and arguments. Go ahead label me whatever you like I don’t care because what I am saying is facts and what you are saying is lies and false accusations.

I don’t care or know what this is. Sounds like dumb twitch talk.

I want people who are going to beta test to get keys not people trying to get donations and subs on twitch.


Guess what it comes with the territory when playing an MMORPG especially World of Warcraft.

Guess what it doesn’t change The fact that it felt rushed to me.

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Cool, call em like I see em.
100% forum troll with white knight persona.

Discount Clark.

Your replies and threads in general are low quality bait kid. Everyone knows this. That’s why people talk to you the way they do. Lol


Say whatever you want but during the beta cycle their were feedback listening and acting on them and class talent tree went through many iterations and guess what they can’t always be on the iteration phase just to please everyone when that is not realistic. Also, after the talent tree phase bug fixing were already taking shape and all that but guess what bug fixing is a process it takes time and patience and effort. Every expansion has bugs and let’s be honest here no one can eliminate all bugs that doesn’t exist in our world.

They didn’t act or fix enough. I know that’s so damaging for you to hear.


Name call or do whatever because that’s all you like to do and that’s all you can do on the internet. And it’s pretty pathetic if you’re asking me and cowardice.

Okay white knight.

What’s funny is I remember when Chases first started trying to do the troll thing. They made pro-FFXIV posts. That quickly changed to cringe levels of Blizzard support cause that trolling path didn’t quite take off.

Some people are just so odd.


Beta environment and live environment are not the same what goes on beta will be different on live servers and that is because both are not the same environment.

Whatever is fixed on beta environment and when it hits live server something else will break and that is how it is no expansion will be smooth. And to be honest all MMO will suffer through that process when launching new things.

Pro FF14? since when I was a Pro FF14 person I despise that game and it’s story is lame and it’s gameplay is lame and it’s music is also lame and not fantasy material and bringing mix genre of music is a bad move and FF14 never have won a single high ranking / prestigious award. That game only won little league awards which is pathetic by definition.

Who are you trying to convince here? :joy:


Laugh all you want but that’s the fact it won nothing major or big and to think that they did would be your and anyone mistake.

World of Warcraft has won several Hollywood level awards. And this is facts.

Considering November 28th was pretty universally accepted to be too early, I’m impressed DF managed to turn out as polished as it did. Hell, even on Alpha it was a lot better than most Alphas were.

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