i have plenty of things to do in actual WoW. i don’t need some goofy side-game.
can you make it so you don’t have to redo your appearance every time you start a new plunderstorm?
I actually have been having a blast playing Plunderstorm. Never played any battle royale game before because I never cared for the goofy skins of most of them. There are just some things that still need fixing and the game would be very solid through and through. Having to redo options every game is really annoying. Melee abilities really struggle on how narrow they hit box is as well as if there is any small terrain where the target is standing makes it bug and not deal damage. With how strong ranged damage is it makes melee almost completely unplayable. Ability swapping is absolutely terrible, cannot swap while in combat is trash as well as even when tabbed to the correct ability it still will bug occasionally and swap the wrong ability. All in all doing the renown was actually fairly quick, achieved renown 40 by the end of day two of release.
you right
I screwed up my math
I stand by the fact that the grind is not that bad
yeah, I screwed up
I stand by the fact that the grind isn’t that bad
I have found that duos makes it easier
and the addition of trios makes it even more so
Sorry but I don’t have an extra 25 hours to put into a crappy pvp style mini game that takes forever to earn renown. This is the stupidest thing ever
ok, that sounds like a you problem, not a WoW problem
even though it started 29 days ago and if you only played an hour a day, you’d have been done 4 days ago
because events don’t need to be blasted in one day
they can be grinded out over the course of the entire event
something a lot of people complaining about the time to grind don’t seem to grasp