Dragonflight Paladin Thread

I’m expecting a more in-depth pass of our class and talent tree in the next month or so. Maybe we’ll get some kind of raid buff or cooldown at that point, but who knows? Warriors got a lot of changes, but their talent tree was also available earlier.

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Fixed it for ya.


Lol Blizz had to do it. Shield of Vengeance is mostly used as a DPS increase and rarely used as a Defensive.

Divine Protection + Eye for an Eye was extremely tanky for some mechanics.

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So… After the feedback provided we got “Heres Divine Protection on a 2 min CD.” What the hell blizz?! If healing is such a powerful tool then I would like to request that every other class lose all their defensives as they’ve been healing better than ret all of SL.

As far as the Holy Paladin changes… You implemented a talent and didn’t fix anything we had given feedback about, awesome.

DF is shaping up to be a GREAT xpac


The tree will need some restructuring.

:face_with_monocle: The choice between Eye for an Eye and Healing Hands is bad. Because the BoJ talents are under tuned, Eye for an Eye will not fit into current builds without sacrificing DPS.

My Fix
:thinking: Put Healing Hands in the Paladin Tree. Make Eye for an Eye an option to Shield of Vengeance. Divine Protection should be a choice between 20% DR and the old glyph version that made it a 40% Magic DR.

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Consecration that moves with you is called an Aura. We need a ret aura. I liked the original ret aura, it is better for ret than Consecration is. Suggestions for a revamped ret aura?

So… Monks can have Diffuse Magic, Fortifying Brew, and Dampen Harm. No choice has to be made for them to get their defensives. No CD debuff is placed on the monk for using 1 of their defensives for 30secs. But when it comes to Divine Protection and Ret, “well you can have it but you can’t have it and Shield of Vengeance, also it’s going to be a 2min CD for you.”



holy paladin is horrible
malee healer without utilities (interrupt/brez/buff)
and now they want to put skill caster in the middle
It is a malee healer will be in front of malee macanicas that the other healers ignore
It’s not like it’s fun to stand still for 2 seconds casting a holy light that will give a ridiculous heal
It is a class that must be dynamic to work in the meta.


This is unfortunately incorrect. The Class, Ret, & Prot trees were up a week before the warrior trees. Holy tree came out same week as warrior (iirc).


They think that because Ret has bubble and BoP (and now BoSW as a choice), that makes up for it. It’s stupid, but it’s clearly what they think and why Ret has been squishiest melee for a long time.


plate armor bro



:slightly_frowning_face: Shield of Vengeance is so polarizing in the Dev forum, Paladin forum, and in raid/party. It is not a defensive if it’s not used as a defensive ability.

People go bananas over Rets not using SoV as a defensive. What do you ask a dead Ret.
Q: “why didn’t you use SoV?”
A: “It was on cool down.”
Q: “why!”
A: “more damage.”

Blizzard created this monster. Kill it, replace it, do something. We need DRs as a real choice.


Hey at least Unbreakable Spirit would work for Divine Protection, I guess? Let’s compromise and ask for a 1:30 cooldown for Divine Protection so it can be closer to a minute with Unbreakable Spirit, because that’s probably the best we would get lol.


It should, as it’s in the tooltip for US, like SoV is.
It definitely needs a buff since they nerfed its duration.


SoV is in the tooltip for US, at least on the DF talent setup wowhead is showing.

Divine Protection needs either a 1 min CD or a 40% damage reduction to even begin to compete with SoV, however annoying and limited SoV is.


That’s the feedback i left in the Alpha forums… hopefully they take note of it.


Really hope Ill get the chance to test ret in beta but these are my notes from looking at the talent tree

  1. Long Arm - why was this removed? why are we being forced to dump 3 talent points in the class tree for proper mobility?
  2. JoV - this really needs to go and be replaced with an ability that makes sense as a defensive
  3. DP vs SoV - DP needs short cooldown and should be a baseline defensive.
  4. Passive Seals - I was personally a fan of Empowered Seals (yes, they did just provide passive buffs) but it was a something that required input. Empowered Seals should come back as an option with greater impact thats isolated to specific abilities/spells. To see Seals as passives in the class tree is a waste imo.
  5. Divine Toll - not a huge fan of this ability from the onset and it looks like the new positioning is making it somewhat mandatory to pick up. If this is going to maintain from SL then VanqHammer should in its current state as well.

Overall, i think it sad that BoP needs to be selected in the Class Tree. I dont understand why double blessing isnt coming back. Mobility and defensives look weak. I would like to see a revamped Empowered Seals option.


Blade of Wrath

At the moment, BoW talents are overshadowed by more favorable choices. They should be the go to talents for single target DPS. Change these 2 talents and its fixed.

Expurgation: Change 20% of damage dealt to Holy damage increased by Mastery.
Sealed Verdict: Instead of +16% damage, change it to +16% Crit chance.

:sunglasses: Now you have viable talents that properly scale with gear.

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By the way, for those wishing we had auras that did useful things, have a look at the Wrath auras. If you use one of the talent building tools for Classic Wrath, which will be using a late version of Wrath as it’s base you’ll see some amazing stuff (and I think that was after the reflected damage was nerfed because of Rogues crying).

The thing that stands out to me, both with auras and with many other things (and this continued through into Cata and MoP) was that (after complaints from the community, it’s true) a lot of abilities are set up to give a little something to the Paladin if they’re largely a group buff/aid, or to give a minor piece of group utility if they’re to be used on the caster.

But overall Paladins, especially Rets, brought a huge amount of group buffs, most small, but significant in their cumulative effect. They were all cut out when it was decided that there were far too many ‘essential’ buffs and building raids was too much of a nightmare of balancing buffs, etc. However, over the years group/raid buffs have crept back in, but only for some specs - often not ones that traditionally brought them. This has left the old buff specs without anything unique or even particularly useful to bring, and remedies for this are being unevenly applied, to Ret’s detriment as it is not a spec that’s getting anything.


Please post any news you have about DF Paladin changes. Thoughts and suggestions are most welcome.

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