Dragonflight Hotfixes - July 22

I had old Thomas on suicide watch… had to assign guild members and everything for a 72 hour watch

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Can we get dem Valdrakken target dummies fixed

May 15, 2024


  • Fixed an issue that caused Conquest and War Mode gear to incorrectly display PvP item level increases in the upgrade UI.

Maybe I’m not the first to mention this but these are working for some people. My friend wanted to show me something in game so he streamed over Discord and he was doing normal damage on them. He even switched characters and was still able to do normal damage. This was not the case for him the day before.

Why don’t you stop making Fisher Price specs like Ret overtuned? Ret has been dominant in PvE and PvP ALL EXPANSION.

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My resources and gold are still inaccessible within the guild bank. When can we expect this to be addressed?

May 16, 2024

Non-Player Characters

  • Jenafur has managed to wash off the strange grey paint that also changed her eye color. Jenafur is now once again a properly striped feline, allegedly.
  • Melsysra fell back asleep and found their way back to the Central Encampment in the Emerald Dream, allowing players to continue with their Renown quests.
  • Newsy was slow retrieving mail but has had a successful trip to the postmaster in Dalaran, allowing players to return to Loamm and continue with their Renown quests.
  • Alleria and Umbric are now always present as expected for quest completion.


  • Fixed a bug that prevented Trolls from unlocking the “Loa’s Blade-Blessing” cosmetic sword appearance if they finished the heritage questline with a character who couldn’t use it. Players will find the sword in their collection after logging into the character who completed the questline.

Trading Post

  • Fixed an issue where multiple completions of a Timewalking dungeon would not count toward the associated Trading Post activity.

[Newsy still hasn’t appeared.It has been over a week now.

Whats microsoft edge? xD

Still no info on WoD garrsion questline bricking the entire game?


I guess I should start up a betting service, based on when people think game breaking bugs will get fixed. Given the track record, i’d be set for life. Thanks blizzard for letting me profit off the inability to fix your game! :3

I didn’t notice this until now.
I had the bugged Champion gear from the weekly quest from the 1st week of season 4. And just noticed they were convert-able.
Glad I didn’t DE them…

Not sure exactly what Loamm Renown issue this hotfix was supposed to address, but I still have no credit for “No Place Like Loamm” despite reaching Renown 20 months ago, and it’s preventing me from completing “A World Awoken.” I’ve filed achievement support tickets and bug reports only to be told, “It’s a known issue. Wait for a fix.”

If this was supposed to be that fix, it didn’t fix the issue for me.

May 20, 2024

WoW Remix: Mists of Pandaria

  • Shirts and tabards can now be purchased from Larah Treebender at any Infinite Bazaar, Mei Steadypaw outside the Shrine of Two Moons and the Shrine of Seven Stars, and Hanchoon Yi at Paw’don Village, Honeydew Village, Shrine of Two Moons, and Shrine of Seven Stars.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Timerunners with a legendary Infinite Cloak of Potential from accessing Ordon Sanctuary as intended.
  • Fixed an issue with the spawning of Voress’thalik which prevented the completion of “Devastation Below”.
  • Fixed an issue preventing players from learning Amber Pterrordax.
  • Fixed a bug causing Gulp Frogs to unintentionally drop Lesser Charms of Good Fortune.
  • Enemy power scaling, particularly in group content, has been adjusted to be less aggressive. This is particularly applicable in the player level 40 - 70 range, before players have been able to power up their cloak, upgrade their gems, and increase their item level.
  • Gear drop-rates have been improved from world rares, rare elites, and quests. This will help players who have had their item levels fall behind as leveling speed increases, especially at higher levels when cloak bonus experience is powered up.
    • Developers’ notes: This will also increase player Bronze and appearance acquisition by increasing the number of items to place into the Unraveling Sands for additional Bronze.
  • The first-time bonus for queueing each LFR wing will grant a Thread of Experience in addition to the existing Lesser Bronze Cache.
    • Developers’ notes: This should improve LFR as a viable choice for leveling main characters and alts, without players feeling like they need to grind the same LFR wing repeatedly.
  • We have added bonus experience to each boss in normal dungeons and scenarios so they are a viable alternative to questing. Bonus experience has also been adding to the last boss of Heroic Scenarios. Heroic dungeon bosses will continue to drop bonus experience.
  • We’ve increased the number of prismatic gems dropped from bosses in normal and heroic scenarios and dungeons.
    • Developers’ notes: The increased stamina offered by Legendary Prismatic gems boosts player survivability considerably.
  • We have increased the Bronze granted from all qualities of Bronze Caches by 25%.
    • Developers’ notes: These caches are available from a wide variety of sources, both solo and group. This includes the Minor Bronze Cache, Lesser Bronze Cache, Bronze Cache, and Greater Bronze Cache.
  • Fixed an issue where Sha-Skin Vestment was marked as Cosmetic instead of Cloth armor.
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is the visual bug for seeing the cloak by others from the toy gonna be fixed ?

We have increased the Bronze granted from all qualities of Bronze Caches by 25%.

This isn’t enough to compete with the frog charm turn ins. This should be like 250%.

Gear drop-rates have been improved from world rares, rare elites, and quests. This will help players who have had their item levels fall behind as leveling speed increases, especially at higher levels when cloak bonus experience is powered up.

Developers’ notes: This will also increase player Bronze and appearance acquisition by increasing the number of items to place into the Unraveling Sands for additional Bronze.

Ah yes, the 25 bronze per piece sure adds up when upgrading a single piece of gear 1 time costs anywhere from 3000 to 9000 bronze.

Gear drop-rates have been improved from world rares, rare elites, and quests. This will help players who have had their item levels fall behind as leveling speed increases, especially at higher levels when cloak bonus experience is powered up.

This does nothing when you already have 346 and are hard gated by snail speed Bronze acquisition.

Surely there’s more changes coming right?

There’s no way you can be this out of touch. Exploit or not, I’m not here to argue that, but the people who did that literally have received hundreds of thousands of Bronze to upgrade their gear, they have full sets and those who did not do the frogs don’t get invited to heroic/mythic raids.

It’s a limited time event, this doesn’t mean we should have to play every single day for 93 days. Nobody should have to choose between 5 mounts or upgrading their weapon by 14 item levels in a limited time event. Let people have fun.



I saw it this morning.

and survival tier set when?


All this does is punish people like me who quested the first few days and reward the people who exploited frogs.

Are you guys serious? I’m just gonna buy the mounts and quit remix. Y’all are so tone deaf and want to punish people who don’t exploit and let those who exploit keep their ill gotten gains.

Not cool.

Not to mention you didn’t fix any of the scaling issues at 70 where level 70s are doing 1/10th of the damage of a level 20 and mechanics that are supposed to do negligible damage are doing millions and one shotting 70s.


You sure didn’t. Tanked as a level 67 druid and still getting 1-shot.

Please actually fix this before you say it’s fixed.