Dragonflight: Fury Incarnate Content Update Notes—Now Live!

Much easier to farm for gold to buy it. Could’t be any easier.

I’d prefer to not pay 2.8 mil raw gold in Phylacterweave per remaining T3 set I don’t have (I only have Dreadnaught and Cryptstalker which I spent FAR less than 2.8 mil to obtain) thank you very much…

Please tell me you’re also fixing some bugs not mentioned -

  1. The Trading Post Tracker which keeps reloading various ways to earn currency over and over after you untracked it.

  2. Stopping auto-loading the second part of campaign quests. If I turn in the first part of the quest and don’t take the second part, it’s deliberate.

  3. I hope they are putting in an option to turn off the “gear update” option since it usually (in my case always) give worse bags and gear.




You seem nice.

While i’m annoyed at the druid healing nerf, the lil additions to it are interesting.

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You seem to not know what is happening. Go back to watching streams, im sure you are super good at that.


Yes… I would like some cake. What kind?


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(vibrates with joy!)

Thank you, thank you!



Not liking where this is going.

    • Chromie and a new friend join the search for the lost Disc of Tyr. To aid their efforts, Travard rebuilds the legendary Tyr’s Guard, righteous paladins dedicated to representing the values of Tyr across Azeroth. Reforging Tyr Part 3 requires completing “Infinity and Beyond” in the No Limits questline to begin, and rewards Gold and White Armor for dragonriding mounts.

Taking the Silver Hand themes from Alliance and forcing them on the Horde in Legion was bad enough.

Making every future Paladin race fall under the themes’ of the Silver Hand are going to make all of them way too similar and remove a lot of uniqueness from various races.


I just can’t wait for Paladins to get all races.

Looking for anything that isn’t pvp related for hunters and nothing. Hi Blizzard remember us. We’re the ones you’ve forgotten, oh and Rogues say hi too.


Where other public events go to die.

I think there’s supposed to say something about upright forsaken in this. Or about how they are gonna ruin the undead lore in a single patch. Bet.

New Arenas or battlegrounds? PVP world zones? There’s no one to kill… how are supposed to purge the furrys?

You need to turn to Nurgle and git right

you are speaking in exterminatus range

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AHAHAHHAHA, that was the best reply i’ve ever seen in WoW Forums… Wasn’'t even a marine. straight up Krieg!

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imagine a krieg gets Perpetual from the big E lol